Fire Emblem Fates: The Diary - Part 1 /Silas x Scarlett

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It was another day in the astral plane with our Hoshido characters

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It was another day in the astral plane with our Hoshido characters. Currently Corrin was learning the way of the bow by Takumi. But apparently she wasn't doing so great because of how badly Takumi was scolding, or more like, screaming at her.

"B-Brother, hold your temper! S-she is just a beginner after all!" Sakura hurried to the scene.

Silas happened to be passing by at the moment this was happening, and giggled with a smile curled on his face.

"Those three seem to be having a good time." he says to himself. Everyone here seems to have themselves occupied with something.

Silas was hungry, so he made it to the mess hall to grab a bite.

Before going over to get his food, he noticed the mess hall seemed somewhat abandoned. Was there not even any chefs on duty?

"How unusual around this hour...." Silas mumbles.

His eyes then spotted a object on one of the tables that seemed to have been abandoned and forgotten.

"Whats this? A book?" Silas approaches the object that was laid on the flat table.

It ended up not being a book....exactly. It was more like a notebook. Or a diary.

"Did somebody forget this here?" speaks Silas as he picked it off the table.

Out of curiosity, he began flipping through the pages. He paused on a certain page and his eyes went wide with what he read.

"Wait....what?!" he gasps quietly.

"Hey, Silas!!" comes a loud voice.

Before Silas can even turn around to see who it was, he feels something slam into the back of his neck.

"W-What do you think your doing?!" One of the girls shouts with a blushed face filled with embarrassment. She looked a bit mad.....

"S-Scarlett...? S-sorry about that, is this yours?" Silas hands the book.

"Yes, it is! You don't just peek your nose into diary's that aren't yours!! Especially a GIRL'S diary! What were you thinking?!" Scarlet thus swipes her diary away, turns around from Silas and hugs the book close to her chest, protectively.

"I-I'm sorry Scarlett. I really didn't mean anything by looking in it. And you know, what you say is right. There was no reason for me to peek in it whatsoever. Whatever is written in it isn't my business. But um.....about something I read in it...."


"You saw nothing, ok? Actually, this isn't even mine to begin with. It's a friends. So....see you later." Scarlett suddenly darts out of the Mess hall.

"S-Scarlett, w-wait!" Silas reaches a hand out towards her.

Silas had no business in reading a diary that wasn't his....but after reading a certain page in the could he not forget?

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