Chapter 5: "OF COURSE AM NOT!"

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I must have fallen asleep by the door where I fell into a heap crying. The shouting and kicking Michael out drained so much out of me. At the time it seemed so easy, seeing him for the first after seeing those pictures just made me so mad!

AND HE THOUFHT HE COULD HIDE IT FROM ME! I thought he was going to be the one, even he said that! If I open the twitter those pictures will still be there. I havent been able to open that app and see it. I would make me more mad, instead am gona sit here and feel sorry for myself.

Suddenly "Unpredictable" started playing from my phone, It was Luke. He set that as his ring tone ages ago and I never changed it. I put the spoon back in the pot of ben and jerry chocolate brownie ice cream and answered.

"Hello." I said down the phone as I muted paranormal activity that was on the tv.

"Alison, hey." Luke sighed, he sound exausted. "How are you?"

"Just brilliant! I got cheated on, couldnt be better." I said sarcastically.

"What? Are you alright?" he asked confused.

"OF COURSE AM NOT!" I shouted back and heard a sudden whale like cry and a door slam.

"Alison!" Luke said annoyed.


"all Michael has done is cry apart from one hour he slept, I just got him to stop and then he heard you and now..." He said and went quiet to I could hear Michael. I could hear pained sobs througb the phone that was pressed against the door. It's his own fault.

"Sorry." I whispered feeling slightly bad for leaving Luke to rake car of him.

"He wants to know when he can come home." He said quietly.

"I-i dont know." I replied.

"SHUT UP MICHAEL!" Luke shouted as I could hear bangs on the door seperating the two and Michael shouting "let me talk to her."

"Alison, I understand your hurt and I would be to if Emma cheated on me and I understand if you dont want to talk to him. You dont have tonbut I havent seen him this broken before. He hasn't eaten, wont sleep since he woke up earlier and has barley stopped crying. He was a mess when he dropped Megan back of at her place the next day. He begged us not to say anything." Luke explained.

"Fine." I sighed.

"What, you'll talk to him?!" Luke gasped in shock and I heard the banging stop.

"Yes." Okay give me a minuite." He said and in the background I could hear the door open and Michael repetedly thank Luke. There were another doors shut and then Michaels voice floated through the phone.

"Alison?" He sniffed. His voice didn't sound like his. It was broken and shaky from the crying. It wasn't his angelic sothing voice I heard.

"Michael." I answered hoping he wouldnt break into more sobs. I was wrong.

"I AM SO SORRY! I WAS COMPLETY PISSED THAT NIGHT! I MISSED YOU SO I WEMT FOR A DRINK.... THEN...." He cried down the phone to me. "I love you so much! Your the best thing to ever hapen to me, am not me wothout you. It was such a mistake! Megan want you! I kept imagining she was you but she is nothing compared to you! I love you so much!" He continued to cry his voice shaking and craking.

"Michael..." I started "Do you have any idea how much it hurt so see those pictures of you attached to another girl?"

"Nearly as much as it hurt to be kicked out by the person you have ever loved most in the world." Then I relised he is just as hurt as I am. I love him and he cheated on me. He loves me and I left him. Bu I left him 'cause he cheated. I have an exuse.

"I only broke up with you 'casue you cheated." I said, my voice catching on the last word.

"But I love you! Not her. And I know you love me to. I told Calum becuse I never though enyone would belive me, but he showed me the pictures that got out all over the Internet and I so hoped you wouldn't see because I love you." He rambled. "I look back now and know that nobody could ever take the memory. As much as I wish I could forget I can't. The move playing in my head, of her king sized bed means I can't forget me english love affair."

"Michael stop." I cried tear streaming down my face as he told me. It hurts to know he remembers it all but to know he wants to forget... I want to forget too. "I-Ive got to go." I blurted and hung up on him.

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