Chapter 10: "Go back to sleep, its to early."

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I woke up to see a still sleeping Michael next to me, He looked so peaceful. I shifted under the duvet trying not to wake him as I went to get breakfast but as soon as I moved his arms wrapped tightly around my waist preventing me from leaving. Just like befroe the last tour. But I still remember who else has been wrapped up in these arms. Did he hold her like this after they slept together? Did he kiss her on the forehead when they were done like he did me?

I tryed to wiggle out of his arms again but failed as he just pulled me closer and whispered in my ear.

"Go back to sleep, its to early." I glanced at the clock on the wall to see what time it was.

"Its nearly eleven, Michael. I need to go I to work today." I sighed and he untangled his arms from me and turned over.

"Have fun." he mumbled. and fell back asleep. Oh.

I crawled out of bed grabbing my work cloths and everything else I needed and headed to the bathroom. Turning the shower on full blast and up to a nice warm temperature I set my phone down blasting some All Time Low, not caring if I wake Michael. "Backseat Cerenade" was the first song to come on as I hummed along to it, every now and again pretending to air guitar without slipping.

I began to rub in my cucumber sented shampoo making sure to wash it propery. I need make sure I impress my bosses at work after taking a week of and they need to know I am serious about staying in the job. After washing I hopped out of the shower doung a little dance to "Break Out! Break Out!" as I dried of and wrapped my hair in thw towel as I got dressed. I put on my black skinny jeans and minty green shirt which had my name tag on it that I tucked in and slipped on a pair of mint green matching vans. I got everything aside from my shoes from Pulp where I work as an assistant manager since we have to advertise the stuff the shop sells by wearing it. Ive always wanted to be a store manager so I need to keep at this job if I want to become the actual manager!

I grabbed all my stuff and left it all in the bedroom where Michael was still sound asleep.


Ting Ting Ting.

Oh I love the noice the coins make when they land in the rejester.

"Thanks for shopping at Pulp. Have a nice day." I chirped and handed the bag over to the customer. They mumbled a "Thanks" and left. Thats a bit like how Michael spoke to me this morning. Why was he so moody, one second he wanted me to stay in bed longer and the next he just... just... treated me like shit. Mumbeling sarcastically and turning over without even looking at me. Did he treat Megan like that when they slept together?

"ALISON!" I heard my boss shout snapping me out of the deep though. "CUSTOMER!"

I looked up infront of the desk.

"Hey Alison!" Ashton grinned openeing his arms.

"ASHTON! I've not seen you in forever, since the tour started. Hows my bubble of joy?" I laughed. Thats what we call each other. We were really close before the tour, I was given the task of finding someone for him, which I passed onto Tamara. She better do a good job!

"Amazing! And I heard you and Michael are back together! Have you and Tamara found anyone for me yet? Kidding, kidding how are you?" He rambled giving me a tught hug ending it with of of his hallerious giggle.

"Yes, no and good." I laughed pulling back answerinf each question in order. "Why are you in such a good mood?" I laughed as he began to bounce around.

"I got a....." He stopped to add suspence. "BANANA!" He shouted grinning.

"ALSION WHAT IS GOING ON?!" My boss, Julia, shouted again.

"Just helping someone!" I called back to her. "You and your bananas." I laughed turning back to Ashton.

"Untill you find me someone, bananas will be there for me. They never leave me." He said sternly. "Anyway, how are you and Michael doing?"

"Okay, I suppose." I said slowly.

"Spill everything!" Ashton shouted. I grabbed my bag from under the counter and shouted to Julia,

"Am going on my lunch break!" I headed to the door with Ashton traling behind me since its about 2 and I havent had lunch yet.

"BE BACK IN AN HOIR AT MOST!" Julia replied.

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