Chapter 29

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"You gave me forever within a number of days..." I heard sniffles coming from all directions including myself.

I looked all around me seeing my group of best friends all crying. If I wasn't crying at this damn movie too I would have laughed at the sight of it all. I read the book before the movie came out so I knew what was coming but it didn't stop me making whale like noises into Michaels shirt.

I could see that Emma was debating weather to wipe her eyes on Luke's t-shirt or to go get a tissue. Luke was rapidly blinking trying to suppress his "manly" tears where as Michael was just letting them flow free.

"So punk, eh." I whispered in his ear as he swatted me away. Ashton had been sat on the single person chair but at some point pulled Ellen up from the floor where she insisted she sat and onto his lap. He had silent tears streaming down his face as he tried to keep quiet where as Ellen dd more like what I do. Full out sobbing. So did Emma and Taylor. Tamara and Andrew were both staring in awe at the tv with glossy eyes.

"Tissue?" I vaguely heard Ashton ask Ellen holding a box of tissues to her. She quickly nodded taking a whole load of them before leaving a sweet kiss on his tear stained cheek. Looks like my idea was working I thought as a faint pink misted on Ashton's cheeks in the dim lighting. The curled if Ashton's hair and the lilic of Ellen's were complete opposites but seeing them cuddled into each other like that it looks like they were almost made for each other.

Soon the movie ended and the tears began to dry up as Michael suggested we watch frozen.

"Always frozen!" Ashton laughed.

"Do you wanna build a snow maaaaaan?!" Emma sung.

"Or ride the bikes around the hallsssss!" Like blasted out the next line.

"I need to talk to Ellen first." Ashton quickly told everyone grabbing her and and takin Ellen though to the kitchen. I quietly squealed as the door shut knowing exactly what he was going to talk about. He had told me and practices his little asking thug in me before everyone are over. I quickly jumped from my place wrapped up in Michaels protective arms and pressed my ear against the door. Tamara quickly caught on as well and copied my actions. The two of us sat with our eard aginst the door while everyone else looked at us like we had gone nuts.

"You okay Ash? You look a little sweaty." We heard Ellen laugh.

"Yeah. I ummmm... well I was." Get on with it!

"You sure your okay?" She asked genuinely.

"When you walked in on the day of the party my mouth hung open at the sight of you long enough for me to swallow several flies." He chuckled lightly. "Just everything about you has gotten me so intrigued! Its like suddenly I want to know exactly what everyone of your tattoos mean, like that that one. I want to know what that date on your collor bone means. And I want to twirl your lilic hair around my finger and trace all those shapes littering your skin. What I want to ask is: Ellen, will you be my girlfriend." Ashton rambled adorablelly making Tamara and I aww.

"When my sistser died." Ellen said and I could hear the smile in her voice. 


"The date on my collor bone. The date my sister died. But yes." She giggled at the end. Tamara had told me well before Tam went to visit in Scotland that her sister died since she had been friends with Lia as well.

"Yes!" Ashton lamost shouted and it went almost quite just a slight sound of saliva being shared.

"Awwwww!" We both burst out.

"Your amazing." Ashton whispered as one of them suddenly opened the door and both Tamara and I ended up flat on the floor.

"Nosy bitches." Ash joked his elephant sized hand holding onto Ellen's.

"Ohhhhhhh." Everyone else in the room gasped as they relised why we had been listning in.

"Get in mate." Michael laughed.

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