Chaper 30

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"I'm taking Ellen on a date." Ashton grinned. "Picking her up in half an hour!"

"So you are getting along then?" I asked sitting back down across from Michael and Ashton. He was shifting about nervously in his back Skinny jeans and a white button up shirt. It was the smartest I had ever seen him dressed.

"Yeah! She is so easy to talk to, we get along so well." Ash looked down to check his phone for the time.

"You better get going, mate. She won't sleep with you if your late." Michael chuckled and I sent him a glare.

"I'm leaving now. I'll call you both later!" He shouted leaving quickly.

"Good luck!" I called out after him.

"Tv?" Michael asked when I plopped myself down next to him in the sofa where Ashton has just been sitting. "See what celebs have done drugs today." He laughed lightly making my heart beet faster. I took the remote from his ha d and turned the tv in crawling into his side.

"E!" I said as I turned the channel over. I laughed leaving the remote on the floor where it fell.

"Up next on E! News, pop rocker Michael Clifford. Is he with Megan? Is he with Alison? Is he with both? Or is really a girl and besties with them both? Find out next on E! News."

"What?" Michael asked. "What the fuck?" He repeated as the presenter came back in from like a 2 second beak. Who has those?

"Shh!" I hushed

*At the studio (3rd person)*

Everything was set and ready. The blonde American presenter was lounging in the white leather sofa in front of the flat screen TVs that would soon be showing the photos from London and photos of the real couple.

The guest that would be interviewed sat just out of shot ready to be panned to on the leather. Her short black dress stood out on the cream he red heals matched the pouting lips and plastic costume jewellery that would soon be real after the pay cheque she would get for doing the interview.

"Airing in 3 2 1." The camera man mouthed the last word so it wasn't heard on the TV holding up the correct amount of fingers. The camera panned to the presenter as her glossed lips began to move.

"And we are back. We all know about the English Love Affair going on between 5 seconds of summer star Michael, his long term girlfriend Alison and his apparently new girlfriend Megan." She spoke looking directly to the camera. "To catch you up if you dont already know, back in May Michael was spotted in Mayfair, London with non other than Megan. Pictures surfaced on the Internet of the two very closely. The world dosent know what happened between Alison and Micheal but about mid June Megan came out on twitter to let the world know that they are together. Just as we thought it was clear it got all messy again." She explained every now and again glancing to her guest who sat desperate to talk to the world. "So who is Michael actually with? Well today we have a very special guest with us today to clear everything up for us. Please welcome, for the very first time in tv, Megan!" The camera panned out so the guest could be seen in the shot. Little did they know back with Alison and Michael there was a lot of shouting and a broken glass.

"Thanks for having me." She smiled showing her pearly teeth. Megan smiled for the camera but maily to Alison and  Michael throuh the screens seperating them. But she was going to play nice. "Its so nice to finally meet someone here that not actually from Australia, I love the accent but I need to hear one other than Australian sometimes." She giggled pushing the hair from her shoulder.

"Its nice to meet you too." Kelly, the prestnter grinned to her guest. "So what can you tell us? Can you clear everything up?" The camera zommed in on the guestss face to get it all clearly for the veiwrs where silenxe fell over the studio and back with Michael and Alison when hundreds of people topoed to hear what she had to say.

"Yes, I can." Megan informed the audaince pausing to drag out her five minutes of fame. "Michael and I are together. It was in London when he was with Alsion. But he left her for me, he told me I am better than she ever was. But she cant let go." She looked across the Kelly trying to show pain in her facial expressions gaining sympathy. "She wont leave us alone, Kelly. Trying to get Michael back. But he dosent want to. We are happy together." A single tear was forsed from Megans evil eyes.

"Its okay Megan.  You stick with him." Kelly turned back to the camera. "Well twitter seems to be blowing up so let's take some calls. Line one hello. Yiu on E! News with Kelly and Megan do you have a question?" All eyes were on Megan when a very angry voices rattled through the phone line.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" Alsion screamed. "You think you can come her and break us up like this! That is not going to happen! Michael and I have been together for years and you will not change that!" She said sternly.

"Alsion, please stop. Your hurting us. " Megan fake pleaded. Awws ame from the audience and a hand of sympathy was placed on her arm.

"WE ARE NOT TOGETHER!" Another voice boomed down the line. "We will never be together Megan! Can't you get that?! I love Alsion! We are haooy together!" Michael. The presenter mouthed something quickly to the producers before turning stunned to the camera.

"Ladies and Gentlemen we seem to have Michael and Alsison on the line! Who thought we would get all three in the same interveiw. Can someone clarafy whonis dating who?" Kelly paniced flipping through her script that had no back up plan for this.

"Let me say this clearly." Alison said. "Michael never has and never will be with Megan."

"And I confirm that!" He added in and hung up.

"Megan?" The stressed presenter turned to the flustered guest. She cried out in frustration before storming out of the studio and down the street. The producer looked around before calling out to everyone.

"Cut! We are of air NOW!" 

English Love Affair. (Michael Clifford 5sos)Where stories live. Discover now