Chapter 11: "I feel like am giving up on him."

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"Okay, now tell me everything." Ashton said desperately. We were now sat in a cafe in the somewhere in the shopping centre eating sandwiches with crisps.

"Well, yesterday I ran to Luke's and me and Michael kissed. I said I forgive him. Then we ordered pizza and Jimmy the pizza guy delivered it and he is the one I spoke to and told everything too the night you all got home from tour 'cause I needed to talk to someone so I told him everything. Then he asked if everything was better and Michael went all "Did u sleep with him?" and all that so I got pissed and was all like "No I didnt! and you cant talk, you did cheat!" That went on so we just went to bed amd this morning he wasn't letting me get out of bed so I told him I had work and he just said fine and sarcastically told me to have fun and went back to sleep." I rambled spilling it all onto the table between us.

"Oh." Ashton frowned. "I.... Um.... Oh."

"Yeah." I laughed lightly. "I just cant get the pictures of Michael and Megan out of my head. The way their lips were conected like the way mine do with Michael's. I keep seeing how he help her hand the way he holds mine when they left the hotel. How he looked alive when they were together like he does on stage. I cant help but wonder if he looks alive when he is with me. Do I give him the same rush she did? Did he enjoy being with her like he does with me? Does he still e joy being with me?" Tears were brimming in my eyes. I was struggling to hold them back, they felt like a bag of feeling ready to give way due to the weight. I haven't admitted I fell this way untill now, untill it all fell out of my mouth.

"I wish I knew what to say, Alison." Ash sighed. "Do you still love him?"

Do I?

"I- I don't know." I whispered finally relising how I felt. The spark was still there, but can I love him like I did before? "I feel like am giving up on him. But I dont want to."

"Then don't." Ash sighed. "Alison look, Michael loves you. If you love him then the desction should be easy. As far as I have seen you belong together. Dont give up on him. If you can go home tonight and kiss him lile you lobe him, hold him like you love him, look at him with the same passion he looks at you with then keep him. You were both messes without each other. I can tell you love him. Just promise me you won't give up on him." Ashton said his little speach.

"Wow, Ash. Your getting deeper than your dimples here." I laughed lightly trying to lighten it a bit. "But thanks. And I promise." I stuck my pinky out linking it with his.

"Now get you ass back to work if you want that promotion." Ashton laughed standing up and chucking the rubbish in the bin.

"Thanks Ashton." I whispered giving him a breif but nice hug. I am so glad am so close to Ashton, I am dating Michael but I love Ashton as well. As a friend. He is always there for me like the girls. I don't know what I wohld have done tonight if Ash hadn't spoken to me today.

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