Chapter 14 "It was you screaming fatser, dont blame me."

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"You got a wheelchair?" I mumbled into Michael's shoulder. We woke up about an hour ago after yesterdays shanahins. I think we are both a bit worn out. I missed that side of Michael so much!

"Nope, guess u will just have to walk." He laughed kissing the top of my head.

"I love you Michael, you know that dont you?" I said seriously looking up at him.

"I do. And I love so as well. And I'll love you for a billion years."

"And I will love you for billions more." I rested mt head back into the nook of his neck. My head fits in there so perfectlly, like they were moìlded for each other. Made for each other. "oh, I invited everyone around for dinner. Well apart from Tamara of course." I laughed remembering I have organised it just after one of my best friends left to see her family. Oops!

"What time?" He asked. Even after past night and the English love affair type thing we still talk like an old married couple.

"Half five."

"I was palnning on dying my hair again, wanna help? Before everyone gets here?" He jumped up from the bed exitedly. Dwaaa! I love seeing him in different colours.

"Yaas!" I shouted jumping up from the bed as well. Michael pulled on a pair of clean boxers and I pulled on a pair of pants pulling on of Mikeys baggy jumpes over my head. I always love wearing his jumpers, they smell of mint and aftershave mix together on it being a comferting smell.

"To the bathroom!" He giggles once grabbed a box of die from the draw and ran out of the room. I quickly followed him to where he had a towel out and wrapped around his shoulders as he waited for me.

"Die?" I asked opened he handed the box to me quickly. I could see the exitment on his face, it was truly adorable. I opened the box of die pulling out the plastic gloves putting them on before squeezeing the die into my hands. I rubbed the die all over my gloved hands and began to coat Michael's hair.

"Thats tickely!" He giggled, squirming about.

"This?" I asked running my fingers through his hair again like I had just done and he giggled again moving about on the toilet seat lid where he sat.

"Yeah." He giggled again. I kept repeting the same action making him giggles again and again. Oh god it is so cute!

Eventually the die was coating his whole head of hair and we only had to wait for it to set.

"Breakfast?" I asked and he gentky nodded his head in exitment making sure not to spray die all over the place to get it on his skin.

I waddled into the kitchen, walking funny after last night. Michael was quick to followed behinde me scopping my into his arms.

"It was you screaming fatser, dont blame me." He laughed carrying, me over his shoulder.

"I wasn't going to say anything, to distracted by this thing in my face." I laughed squishing his ass.

"Hey! Only I can do that to you!" He coppied my actions doing the same thing to me. He put me down in the kitchen by the fridge laughing at our little bum squishing.

"Pankcakes?" I asked opening the fridge.

"Duh!" He laughed grabbing to flour since I was to short to reach it. I made up the mix and heated up the pan before pouring in some mix. "I WANNA FLIP IT!" Michael cried out like a child. (A/N AMNESIA JUST CAME ON! AM FREAKING OUT!)

"Here" I laughed handing him the hot pan to flip his pancake.

He took to pan into his big hands and shook in a wee bit to make sure it wasnt stuck. Then in a fast motion moved the pan up sending the pancake flying up doing flips in the air. I laughed as he looked to be for aproval of the flips since they normally never leave the pan. Once the pancake left the pan it never came back down.

"Oops!" He gasped seeing thay the gooey yellow substance was stuck to the white ceiling.

"Michael!" I laughed taking the pan from him puring more mix into it. Once it was half cooked I removed it from the heat to flip it. "like this." I tld him gently throughing it into the airnas it landed back in the pan after doing a flip.

"Alright miss I can flip pancakes." He stropped taking the pan and putting the nlw cooked pancake on a plate and trying again. This time landing it haf in and half out of the pan.

"How about I finish making these so we dont waste any more." I luaghed sending him a cheeky wink. "Then we can rinse your die out."

I finshed cooking breakfast and we sat down to watch The Teenage Mutent Ninja Turtles while we ate then went to rinse out Mikeys die.

"ITS SO COLD!" Michael screched as the water hit his head. I turned up the temperature and washed all the die out making sure not to get it in his eyes.

"Almost done." I told him as I rinsed away the last of the bubbles and turned the water off.

He grabbed a towel quickly covering his hair before I could see the final colour.

"Its a surprise." He giggled running to the bedroom the dry it.

Michael came running back into the bathroom a few minutes later where I was tying up with the towel back on his head. "Ready?"

"Lemme see!" I cheered.

"Three... two.... two and a half... two and three quarters.... two and a tiny bit..."

"Hurry up!" I whinned as he dragged it out. "The suspence is killing me!"

"ONE!" Finnaly he shouted pulli g the towel from his head to revel............... suspence! RED! It was a vibrant red, bright like a fire truck.

"AHHHH!" I screamed. "I LOVE IT!" I jumped up and down. The red looked brillimat on him! He ran forward giving me a kiss and thanked me for helping him before we got ready for dinner tonight.

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