Chapter 33

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Alison's POV

Michael and I were going to visit Calum, because Michael had thought that the bassist had been a bit down recently. As we pulled up outside Calum's place, Michael turned to me, intertwining our hands.

"Do you know what's different?" He asked absent mindedly. I shook my head, confused at what he was trying to get at.

"Well, Megan's not really bothered us in over a week," He said with a smile, and I sighed in realisation that he was true, and she had seemed to have got the hint and left us alone.

"YAY!" I cheered happily as we got to Calum's front door. The boys were so close that no one really announced their arrival at each other's houses anymore.

So we walked in, searching that hallways for Calum. We entered the living, stopping in shock at the sight in front of us.

Megan and Calum. Making out. On Calum's couch. What? I had no idea what to think. Seeing the girl that tried to take Michael away from me with one of my best friends was crazy.

Megan was laying flat in her back with Calum hovering above her supported by one arm as the other was tangled in her hair. She had her legs intertwined with Calum's, one hand was places against his chest and the other fiddling with the hair at the nape of his neck.

Bile rose in my through. People were still believing that Megan was actually with Michael when she was really with Calum. It made me feel sick that she would play with us like that. Calum! What is he even thinking?! Look what she was doing! Poor Calum, she will hurt him! But how could he even think to try it with her.

Michael and I stood frozen in shock with our mouths hung open and Calum's and Megan's lips moved rapidly against each other's. I think we had both seen enough when Michael made a coughing notice to get their attention. They were so engrossed in each other's honeyed embrace to realise we had been stood there for a few long minutes now.

"Fuck." Calum suddenly cursed looking up from Megan and scrambling of her. The two were panicked and bright red like they were two kids just caught stealing from the family cookie jar. "I- umm I can explain!" Calum stuttered obviously flustered.

"Don't bother. Is she the one you spoke to be about yesterday?" Michael growled in a pissed off tone.

"What?" I gasped, he had mention this and I missed it?

"Calum came to me yesterday asking for advice on the girl he was fucking cause he was getting feelings for her." Michael explained to me.

"She is." Calum murmured.

"So you kept playing us while you got him off?!" My shout was directed to Megan who actually looked a bit guilty. She nodded slowly not actually looking at me. "And you did! You saw what she was doing to us!" I cried out to Calum tears brining in my eyes. I felt betrayed that he would do that after the things Megan did to get Michael.

"I didn't mean for it to happen." He defended himself. My hands clenched into fists I would never use on him, no matter how many times he slept with her he was a friend. I couldn't hurt him like that.

"BUT YOU LET IT!" Michael boomed. I could see tears bing in eyes one else's eyes but no one wanted to let than fall, no one wanted to look weak.

"I'm sorry." Megan whispered clutching Calum's hand.

"Yeah, because sorry is going to fix what you almost broke." I seethed.

"Let's go." Michael grabbed my hand and headed to the door just as angry as I was. "Don't come back over." He pointed to Calum. "Ever."


Credit to ClumsyMeggie for helping me write some of this chapter! Xx

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