Chapter 27

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Ellen's POV (surpirseeeeeee! It's so u can see the point of view of what's going from someone outside the group!)

Alison quickly ran to the door as the banging continued.

"He-ohhhhh..." She started.

"Turn that fucking music down before I call the police! That is a whole lot of crap!" The tall blonde whom I'm assuming is Megan shouted. She had long blonde hair made into perfect ringlets. She was the complete opposite of me. She had perfect tanned skin compared to my pale skin with tattoos painted across it. He blonde hair fell down past her shoulders twirling like decorations on a Christmas tree where as my short brown hair hung by my chin the ends a bit frizzy from the lilic dip dye.

"Megan, just leave." Michael glared. Megan's teeth were pearl white and in a perfect line making mine look funny as they were all different lengths. Her eyes glistened under the dim lights in the room and my mossy green one disappeared into the back ground.

"Turn the music down." She started simply. Megan's long legs shot from the bottom of her denim shorts making mine look stubby and fat. She had long painted red finger nails that matched her stained red lips where as my nails were chipped black and short. Ugh.

"This is my flat and my party welcoming my friends home. Leave." Alison said forcefully. Megan took one last look around the room looking at each and everyone of us her look lingering on Calum for a moment longer before leaving. The door slammed as the intoxocating smell of her hairspray and parfume followed her out like it was following her as a little desiple.

"You tell her Al!" Michael grinned proudly at Alison. He looked at her with such admeraction I felt like I was drowing in the sent of love.

"Thats Megan." Taylor said to me. "Looks like she came right out of photo shop but is determined to be with Michael."

"And thats not going to happen." He confirmed wrapping his lomg arm around his girlfriends small waist. It doesn't look like any of these guys like her.

"Long story short..." Luke started. "Michael slept with her in London and she moved from London to Sydney to be with him." Oh. I didn't realise that's what happened.

"Oh. Well she might have a few guys on call until she get you, Michael." I laughed lightly trying to make a joke.

"What do ta mean?" Alison enquired her long brown eye brows furrowing.

"Am I the only one who noticed?" I asked looking around the confused faces.

"Her lips were slightly swollen, but going down so many about an hour or so ago. And her red lipstick was still obviously wet so in fresh recently and there was a dry smudge at the corner of her mouth. Therefore kissing." I explained recalling what I saw. It may be helpful to tell you that I studied crime and investigation when I was back home so now I pick up in stuff like that like its a 5th sense.

"Wow." Ashton gasped a bit impressed.

"So you reckon she's been with out her guys recently then?" Taylor squinted her eyes a bit.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I didn't sit crime and investigation for three years and get an A for nothing." I laughed.

"Let's get back to the party!" Calum cheered turning the music back and started dancing.

"So your like a private investigator then." A husky voice breathed into my ear sending my nerves on high alert.

"I guess you could say so." I turned and smiled at bright hazel eyes that belonged to Ashton. Only meeting them today, a few hours ago, they all seem really nice but Ashton made something else feel different.

"Want to investigate the dance floor with me?" He tried to wink.

"Was that an attempt to flirt with me, Mr Irwin." I joked.

"You know my last name?"

"Super top secret investigator, I can get your last name." I whispered into his ear making his body stiffen. "That. And your band is alway on the tv and radio back home. It's hard to not know your name." I laughed tipping my head back.

"Oh. Haha." He laughed sarcastically. I began to walk backwards towards where everyone was dancing.

"You coming then?" I put my hand out for him to take."

"Let's dance babe." He grasped my hand making my insides tingle. What? I've never felt that before.

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