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Now Playing ▶ Colors Pt

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Now Playing ▶ Colors Pt. II - Halsey   

Yoongi wakes up with that same uncomfortable choking sensation as if there's something caught in his throat. He sits up in bed and hits his fist against his chest. A cough that he was looking for finally arose and he felt the delicate madonna lily petal crawl out of his throat. "They're showing up more frequently," He notes and jumps out of bed to take a look in the mirror.

He was pale; paler than usual. His body was starting to show that he was sick, but it's not like he could go to the doctor, his family couldn't afford to bring him to the doctor's office whenever he was sick (which he grew sick quite often). Yoongi hopped into the shower, dried his hair, and put on his school uniform.

"Monday, back to hell," he sighs to himself, but a smile soon replaced the scowl as he realized that he was going to see Jimin again.

Jimin was the only friend that his parents approved. He was polite, he knew the rules for the Min's house, and he was sufficient for his parents' expectations. Hoseok and Taehyung was too much of a "party animal" and would be "too much of bad influence to Yoongi" according to his parents, Jungkook "seemed gay" (which he is but he didn't tell him that), and Namjoon was an atheist and promoted homosexuality which his parents were completely against. They reminded him every single day that anything of the sort was wrong but that just messed with Yoongi's mentality.

"Yoongi, hurry up! Your mom already left, so you have to walk to school!" Yoongi's dad called from downstairs. Yoongi groaned, "are you fucking kidding me," he grabbed his packed bag, his phone, and bolted down the stairs and out the door. He was not the most active person in the world so by the time he got there he was on the floor in front of Jimin catching his breath.

"Why didn't you call me? Ji Hyun would've gladly taken you to school." Jimin bent down and observed the older with concern. "I don't want to be a burden... to you guys... you have it hard... already..." Yoongi sputters between gasps. The younger hands Yoongi his water bottle and he gladly took the bottle, chugging it as Jimin yelled at him not to drink it all. "Hey, we both have it hard. Don't ever think that my family has more value than your family does." Yoongi stays silent as Jimin helps him up and luckily the Kims make their way towards the duo. "Jiminie!" Taehyung cries and jumps onto the boy. "H-Hey! Get off, Tae!" Taehyung was hard to stabilize on his smaller body, so they both fell in the grass going down with Jimin squealing.

"So how's life?" Namjoon asks with his hands in his pockets, "Have you told him yet?" They both sit down on the bench and glance at the two sophomores playing around. Yoongi shook his head, "I don't plan to for a while,"

"You're going to break his trust, Jimin's delicate and if he finds out on his own, he's going to cry, and I know how much you hate to see him cry," he huffs as he looks at Yoongi's sour expression. "He doesn't need this stress, Namjoon. What if he doesn't return my feelings? I'll be stuck with the disease, he'll blame himself, and it will be a huge mess. He had the whole thing with his father, he doesn't need any more loss in his life, and he's still recovering."

"Yoongi, I-"

"I don't want to hear it. Let's pretend like I'm not sick for Jimin's sake. If push comes to shove, I'll tell him. Alright?"

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