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trigger warning: abuse

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trigger warning: abuse

"I'm going to visit Jimin, just to see if he's alright," Yoongi says to Namjoon, taking the hot tea from the younger to soothe his throat from his recent episode.

"You're always thinking about Jimin but not yourself. He's probably sleeping right now or doing something relaxing, Yoongi. It was a bump on the head, no need to overreact."

"Who told you to be my conscience?" Yoongi groans, finishing the rest of the tea and getting up to throw it away.

"Hey, be thankful," as the two walk back out to the lunchroom.

Once they come back, Taehyung pipes up and asks, "Haven't you noticed how Jimin has been out lately? Yoongi, why can't you tell us about it, yet?"

"It's not my choice to tell people Jimin's business. I just happened to be there when it happened."

Taehyung opened his mouth to say something but Hoseok cut him off, "If he doesn't want to say anything yet then wait Taehyung, the rest of us are being patient.

Yoongi has expected Taehyung to know about the incident since he was allegedly Jimin's best friend from childhood but at the same time, Taehyung was a little self-absorbed, wasn't that empathetic, and he had a big mouth when it came to drama.

So for now, Namjoon and Yoongi were the only one's that could know.


"I'm heading to Jimin's," Yoongi calla to Namjoon. "Wait, let me give this to you to give to Ms. Lee," He proceeded to hand him a slim envelope, "Text me when you get home and fill me in on everything," And with a nod, Yoongi made his way to Jimin's house.

A certain pang of anxiety hit him as he arrived at his friend's front door, He rang the doorbell and waited. A minute passed and he was starting to think they weren't home but the door opened.

"Oh, Yoongi! I didn't expect you to be here." Ms. Lee says, opening the door and Yoongi bows in thanks to her. "You just got home from school, right? Are you hungry?"

Yoongi's slim face from skipping several meals wasn't going to fool Ms. Lee in the slightest si he accepts her offer and she goes into the kitchen to warm up something for him.

Once she leaves the room, he takes a few moments to himself to look at the house. It was much cleaner than it was when he came last time. It still reeked with the stale smell of Mr. Park's alcohol but it was nice not to see the living room a mess. "Hey, Ms. Lee. Is Jimin awake?"

"No, sorry, hun. He went to sleep after coming home."

Jimin's mother came out with a small bowl of beef bulgogi and sets it down on a tray in front of the black haired boy. "This is all we have, I'm sorry if it's nothing much,"

"It's more than enough, thank you," Yoongi bowed and his attitude lightened upon seeing how happy she was to hear that. "Say, Ms. Lee, I'm still kind of in the dark about the whole situation that just occurred. Could you give me a quick run down of everything? You don't have to but-"

"No, I'm fine to talk about it," Ms. Lee sat down at the couch next to Yoongi. "You're like a son to me, I hope you know that,"

Yoongi have a brief smile to her comment.

"Jiyong wasn't always so violent. He was very loving to everyone; even to people we didn't even know. He was a good father and a good husband to all of us. But Jimin fell ill in 2010. The treatment was financially heavy on our family and it cause a lot of stress onto Jiyong so he took up drinking but as soon as Jimin recovered, he had uncontrollable anger and he blamed it on Jimin. Everyday, Jiyong would put his hands on him but never Jihyun or myself." She looked like awfully uncomfortable as she glanced away and swallowed. Yoongi opened his mouth to stop her from continuing but she gave him a reassuring look.

"Jimin was a very extroverted and could stand up for himself but after Jiyong started to verbally abuse him, he grew quiet and let people walk all over him so when Jimin told me that he became friends with you, I was more than relieved. But I wish I did the things you did when you found out about everything." She sighs, looking up the stairs as if she was playing the whole entire situation all over again. Her voice grew quiet, "Sometimes, Jimin would be beaten so badly that I thought he would die. Jihyun would get in the way to help Jimin out but I couldn't even raise my voice at my own husband. Even though he was in so much pain...,"

"Don't blame yourself, Ms. Lee. Jimin is grateful to have a mother like you and being afraid to act isn't your fault."

A/N: the next chapter will also be mentioning the subjects above

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