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Could he even go back?

His anxiety was getting the best of him. It was always suffocating him now.

He was afraid; afraid that he would lose Jimin once and for all to Yoongi. Nobody understood him like Jimin did. Not even his own boyfriend.

He felt like he didn't belong. He was a lily in patch of dandelions. It felt like everyone was better off without him. They would be okay without them. All he touched withered.

He was angry; angry at himself. He was so angry he couldn't even bear to be around anyone. He felt like a monster and whenever he would try to reach out to someone he would snag them with his claws, scaring them off.

He wanted to run away and never come back. He almost did.

He sat at the train station - where he had been sleeping for the past few days - finalling building up the courage to actually buy a train ticket to Seoul. Something felt wrong when he bought it. He was going almost empty handed.

Nothing but his phone, his charger, and his debit card that had been connected to the family's account.

When the clock had struck 12:30 and he was supposed to go on the train. He couldn't. His foot hovered over the line between the train and the pavement of the station. He drew back.

What was he doing?

He ran.

He didn't know where he was running allowing himself to just roam where he wanted to.

His highschool.

It was lunch time.

He ran inside his highschool and saw Hoseok, Jungkook, and Namjoon sitting together under the tree like normal. Perhaps, Jimin and Yoongi had taken the day off.

Jungkook, like he had sensed that his soulmate was present, looked up to see Taehyung. "T-Tae?" He gasps.

Taehyung couldn't do this.

He started to step back. "Don't walk away from me!" Jungkook cries, getting up and tackling the older. "Hyung...," he whimpers as Taehyung invites him into his arms.

"I'm sorry. I treated you horribly." Taehyung blurts out, holding Jungkook close to his chest, "You and Jimin,"

Namjoon and Hoseok got up and watched the two embrace each other. Taehyung waved over the two to which they obliged to which ensued into a group hug. "Just don't leave us like that. You scared all of us out of our minds." Hoseok says.

"Absolute hell broke loose when you left," Namjoon says. "Like what? Is Yoongi-hyung, okay?"

"He was in the hospital for a few days but he's alright now," Hoseok nods.

"Fuck, this is my fault," Taehyung says sheepishly scratching his head. "No, it's not! Now go and shower, ya stink!" Jungkook pushes the older.

"Sure, baby,"

× × ×

fuck it i'm ending it here. i'm probably going to add bonus chapters just like i'm doing with fall.

thanks for reading tho :)

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