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It took about twenty hours for the disease to completely dissolve from Yoongi's respiratory system but Jimin still had a long ways to go as far as drama could go.

The news reporters were still all over him. New reports regarding the illegal taping of the trial between Park Jimin, Park Jihyun, Lee Dahyun, Park Jiyong, and Min Yoongi were being exposed. They wanted to see every scar, see every tear, and hear every cry in pain that Jimin went through.

"Mom, can I do online school?" Jimin asked one day during breakfast. Dahyun looked up from her plate with a confused look, "Is this about the news reporters?"

Jimin nodded, "I've been thinking of moving to grandma's district too. Maybe, bringing Yoongi with me." he pushed his food around anxiously waiting for a response. "I don't know, I don't think that we can move and bring Yoongi with us. Hyebin almost lost Yoongi twice, I don't think she would want to part with him anytime soon, and Yoongi has so many opportunities here in Daegu."

Jimin tensed at this. It was all true. "Ah, forget about what I said. I'm just stressed." he says, not bothering to finish the rest of his breakfast. "I'm going to Yoongi's," he got up and hugged his mother, "Love you, mom,"

"Love you too," she says back.

Jimin flipped his hood over his head and exited the house looking both ways. He put his hands in his pockets as he searched the streets for any type of nosy person looking his way.

He felt a bit choked up, having to look behind his shoulder. Yoongi's house wasn't as close as you think it would be; probably being a mile down. "Hey!" someone calls out to Jimin. Jimin turns around.

Jisung, the same boy that taunts him during physical education, was standing right there with a few of his friends. Jimin took a glance at him before continuing to walk in the direction of Yoongi's house.

"Hey!" Jisung continues pressing onward to Jimin. He puts his hand on Jimin's shoulder, sending Jimin to a full stop. "What do you want?" Jimin snarls, trying to hide the fact that three fully built teenagers were circling around him like wolves and his slim frail body was terrified that they wanted to mug him or some shit. "Where you going? School started already."

"None of your business," Jimin hisses, pushing off Jisung's arm. "I wasn't finished," Jisung retorts, pulling Jimin back in front of him. "I would like to say sorry for what I've done to you. You've had it hard enough." Jisung meekly apologizes.

This act.

This act of pity.

I don't need this.

"S-Stop pretending like you care. Treat me like you always have don't think for a second I'm special." Jimin says stammering, trying to seem like he didn't care about the apology. Jimin then ran off finishing the last block to Yoongi's and knocking on the door.

Yoongi opened the door but this time instead of his usual blue hair, his hair was more of a gray color.

"Yoongi, what the fuck-"

"Don't tell me you want to skin me alive too," Yoongi chuckles, "My mom already thrashed me for dying my hair again,"

"Min Yoongi, you're going to go bald one day and I will be able to see my reflection in that head of your's," Jimin giggles, entering his house.

"Any hopes on finding Taehyung?" Yoongi asks Jimin. "Nope, Jungkook's gone off the grid too,"

"I swear to God, those two need to get their shit together," Yoongi huffs, falling onto his couch. He patted on the spot next to him. Jimin gladly sat down and nuzzles up against Yoongi getting comfortable.

"Yah! No PDA while I'm here!" Seokjin yelled entering the house with bags upon bags full of groceries. "Hyung!" Yoongi whines as Jimin jumps falling off the couch. "Get to the car, I bought groceries because your kitchen is bare as fuck!" Seokjin came in with white grocery bags dangling from his arms like ornaments on a Christmas tree.

× × ×

"Hyung," Jungkook showed up at Namjoon's locker. "Any news on Taehyung?" the bunny boy looked hopeful. Namjoon hated to kill the boy's hope but he had to speak the truth, "No, I think he'll back soon though,"

If Jungkook had actually rabbit ears on his head, you could see them flop down onto his face in utter sadness. Namjoon felt a pang of guilt when he saw the younger's expression droop.

"We'll find him, I promise,"

× × ×

story's ending pretty soon

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