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you should probably know by now that this whole book is one big trigger warning.

"Did you really bring your whole ass PS4?" Hoseok asks the younger, who nodded slipping the black console from out of his backpack. "I haven't finished my weekly arcade goal for overwatch and i want that last loot box," jungkook wires up the PS4 to Hoseok's monitor after forcefully yanking out the USB for the XBOX that Hoseok had.

"Excuse me, this an XBOX only household," Hoseok playfully crosses his arms. Jungkook then gives a glance crinkling up his nose, "I will convert you to the good side," and proceeded to plug in his PS4.

"Wait, so you put this in your backpack and that means you brang it to school too,"

"Hyung, it's not a big deal!" shutting Hoseok up as he turned on his controller, receiving a beep from the console. "I thought you were going to Taehyung's tonight,"

Jungkook looked at him with an expression that said "you really need to shut up" before sighing, "I was going to but Taehyung had a change of plans today He wanted to work on a project."

Hoseok remained quiet as he watched Jungkook sign in and start up Overwatch.

"I feel like it was an excuse," The maknae suddenly blurted out admist the clicking of his controller. "It's not an excuse, trust me. Taehyung wouldn't say that just ignore you for no absolute reason." Hoseok protests but Jungkook shook his head, "He's clearly lost interest in me. What if he's wanting to move on?"

"'What if' questions are not going to bring you anywhere but useless scenarios that you'll only get anxious about," Hoseok says. "I can't help it at this point. I try to, trust me, but it feels like it's inevitable." Jungkook sighs, gazing off into the screen, waiting for his character to respawn.

"Well, you know, I will beat Taehyung's ass if it comes down to it," Hoseok tells him.

"No, Hyung,"

"Yes, Hyung,"

Jungkook swallows dryly, "I don't know what to do. It may sound selfish but his eyes are always on Jimin and I hate it."

"Then do something about it. Try to get his attention."

Let's just say that Jungkook an interesting approach.

× × ×

Jungkook came to school the next with a brand new hairstyle and did jungkook work out cause god damn he didn't skip leg day for nothing. Jungkook was finer than fine.

Jungkook, who was always teased by his hyungs for having no courage when it came to talking to girls, was practically smothered with girls' affection. To Taehyung's eyes, it was like almost like Jungkook didn't acknowledge his boyfriend was right beside him.

Jungkook saw how furious it made Taehyung to see Gowon - Jungkook's past crush - all over him and it would be a vast understatement to say he was enjoying it.

Gowon was one of those girls who rolled up their skirt far past the allowed length of slightly above the knee. Her skirt almost showed everything that she was supposed to be wearing clothes for in the first place. Taehyung could never understand how such an appalling girl could be favored by Jungkook.

"What do you think you're doing, Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung asks, balling his fists at the arrogant older. Jungkook looked up at Taehyung before giving him a smirk, "Having fun, hyung," that was enough to set the older off.

They had dropped honorifics when they started dating. It was just showed how close they were and Jungkook just shattered all of that.

Taehyung swung his fist, squaring Jungkook right in the jaw. "Taehyung!" Hoseok hollered, horrified at the act. Gowon and a few other girls tended to Jungkook, looking at him with same the shock and anger that Hoseok was showing. Hoseok held Taehyung back who was thrashing and yelling at Jungkook. "Who the hell, do you think you are?!" Gowon cursed at Taehyung, holding Jungkook's bruised fair skinned cheek.

"I'm his fucking boyfriend that's who I am! Hands off, you, slut!" He spat, throwing himself at the short skirted girl, but Hoseok and the newly arrived Namjoon were still restraining him.

"Then act like it," Jungkook retorted, walking off with the freshman girls who wouldn't stop asking about the young bruise forming on his face. "What the hell, man?" Hoseok shouted at Taehyung who was released to fall on the ground. The younger's oxford was untucked and his knuckles were scathed and bloody. His hair was unruly as if he had just woken up and sweat beaded on his forehead from the scene had just caused.

"Why would you even do that? He's your boyfriend! You shouldn't hit him!" Namjoon scolded Taehyung who only huffed and grumbled, "None of your business,"

"The audacity," Hoseok grunted as he watched the disheveled boy stomp off.

Jimin was watching from behind the corner of the hallway. His breathing was rigid as he saw how furious Taehyung had looked. How anger had brought him to violence. It reminded him of- he couldn't possibly think that of Taehyung. Taehyung just slipped up.

His fear didn't say the same thing though. Jimin couldn't see in front of him anymore. A fog started suffocate him, wrapping around his neck. He couldn't see, he couldn't breathe. It was entering his lungs. He's running. Where was he running to? For all he knew, he could be running to the danger.

But he felt arms around him. Were they there to hurt him? No, they weren't. He smelled flowers; lilies. It was the same smell that Yoongi had adopted recently.

He was safe.

He was with Yoongi.

Yoongi was his safe.

× × ×

this is what his hair looked like btw

i hope y'all don't mind if i take a detour to taekook's story

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i hope y'all don't mind if i take a detour to taekook's story

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