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"Hyung, you seem stressed," Jimin sits next to Yoongi on the bench early that morning. "I have a recital, remember?"

"It's this weekend?!" Jimin exclaims. "Yeah, I'm sorry about your birthday..."

"H-Hey! I'm still going. We can go to a restaurant afterward with everyone else if you'd like." Jimin says, "You're my bestfriend, I wouldn't want to leave you out!"

It stung in the pit of his stomach.


Yoongi sustained the smile even though his stomach was physically hurting him.

For the rest of the day, he felt unusually weak, his legs started to ache, his chest burned, and he could barely keep his eyes open.

"Yoongi, you're going to fucking die," Namjoon sternly informed him. Yoongi sat by the toilet in his messy mixture of tears, blood, and the stench of lilies. "We need to get you to a hospital, now. You're body's already shutting down. "One more week,"

"We don't have one more week! You'll be dead in the next week!"

"Don't tell me how to live my life Namjoon," Yoongi raspily snarled. "Well, I may as well knock some sense into it while we have time!" Namjoon spat.

Taehyung watched the exchange of words from the bathroom door. Jimin had no idea that this was going on.

He recorded it on his phone and grinned.

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yike these chapters absolutely suck.

the end of the story is coming soon. i have six to eight more chapters planned.

BLOOMING FLOWERS ; yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now