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The news of Yoongi's hospitalization took everyone off guard.

Yoongi had 72 hours left to live and every minute counted.

"Mr. Kim!" the voice of Seokjin's manager called to him. "I've received a call for you. It's a family emergency. I already booked a flight for three, let's go."

Seokjin looked at the set, they were just starting the third episode's shooting and Raon, the main female actor, looked at Seokjin worridly. "I'll have to be excused. I'm leaving now. I'll be back as soon as possible!"

Seokjin hurriedly picked his phone up and dialed Yoongi's Mother. "Auntie, is everything, alright?" he asked her. "Yoongi's in the hospital again. He has hanahaki disease." her voice sounded dried out. It wasn't this ghastly since Yoongi was in the hospital a few months back.

"Is he going to be okay?" Seokjin felt a bit nauseous upon hearing how sick she sounded. "We don't know. The nurse says that she knows who he loves but he refuses to see them or even take the surgery. I need you to convince him to take the surgery, please."

"Alright," Seokjin said, "I won't disappoint." the call is then ended. He sat back in his seat, "Yoongi, what have you done?"

Mrs. Min - once everyone left - had come to the hospital room with her husband behind her. "Yoongi, baby," her voice wavers. It made her son open his eyes. The last time that he heard that was when he was a lot younger.

"Mom?" he turned his head to her slowly, turning his head toward Hyebin. "I'm so sorry, Yoongi," she whispers to him, resting her arms on the railing of the hospital bed. She reached for his hair, combing her fingers in it just like she used when he would cry. "Your father and I have been harsh to you, haven't we?"

Silence except for a labored sigh from Yoongi as he nodded.

"Don't feel pressured to feel some type of way, Yoongi. We know you love, Jimin. Although, our beliefs don't exactly meet. We'll support you."

A smile etched on Yoongi's lips as he heard those words from his father. He had no idea that he needed to hear that so badly.

"Thank you, Dad," he musters a weak smile. "Have you thought about the surgery?" Hyebin asks her son which slaps the smile off his face. "I'm not doing it. I told you."

"Yoongi, please-"

"No," he insists, "I'm fine with dying here," Hyebin's expression sours before sighing in defeat, "I can't change your mind."

× × ×

All the stress that was put on Jimin went straight to his head. He was a coward; a huge coward. He has had six anxiety attacks in the past 24 hours; each one of them scaling in intensity.

They were all over at Jungkook's house because the school let them be excused from school.

"I can't do this," Jimin was figuratively ripping out his hair at the moment and no person should deal with so much pain in such a short time frame.

"I didn't know that in the past half year that so many things have happened. Yoongi-hyung's so strong." Hoseok murmured to himself.

"It's my fault too," Jimin says, putting his chin in his hands. Jungkook flicks Jimin's forehead. "Hey, what was that for?!" Jimin rubs his forehead. "Stop blaming yourself for everything that Yoongi gets himself into. Yoongi's impulsive and acts too much on his own emotions. He's thrown himself in the hospital twice in the past year and that's because he cares too much."

Jungkook was bustling with his own angst and it's just like he vented the same way he was thinking about himself. It left the others speechless.

"Woah, Jungkook, are you okay?" Namjoon asks him. Jungkook shrugs.

"Jungkook's right, Yoongi is impulsive and if you become his boyfriend knock some sense into him," Hoseok says.

"I'm not allowed to see him though. He doesn't want to see me that means he's going to die before I-" his thought was then interrupted by a sneeze. There it fucking was. A small rose petal escaped his throat and out onto the tile they were on. The other three looked at Jimin in absolute horror.

"I have a plan, everyone get in the car," Jungkook says, taking Namjoon's keys off the wall.

"Jungkook, you don't know how to drive!"

× × ×

Namjoon was permitted to walk into the hospital room and he burst through the door. "Yoongi-hyung-"

A tall handsome man who didn't look much older than Yoongi was sitting in the visitor chair next to Yoongi who was sitting up in the hospital bed.

"Oh, Namjoon-ah," Yoongi says, he seemed a lot stronger probably because the high levels of anesthesia were finally doing their job. "This is my cousin, Seokjin," he came from Seoul. I don't know if you remember him at all." Namjoon gaped at the older in amazement. Damn, Seoul boys are fucking hot.

"Damn, Daegu boys really don't know when they're talking out loud and when they're thinking," Seokjin retorted, snapping Namjoon out of his trance who began to nervously laugh as he saw a full fledged shit eating grin on Yoongi's face.

× × ×

i'm just going to give y'all a heads up that i'm a cruel writer and i won't hesitate to kill characters for the sake of it not being cheesy so just prepare yourselves.

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