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warning has been given.


Jimin was late. He could already feel the hot tears running down his cheeks as he ran. He ran so hard that he could barely keep on his feet.

Trembling, He opened the door with the plastic bag from the corner store, rattling and the bottles of soju clinking together giving away him coming home.

"You're late," Jiyong grumbles, getting up from the couch. "T-There was a line...," Jimin sputters, quick to hand his dad the alcohol and be on his way but Jiyong barked at him to stop and turn around. "Look at me in the eyes, boy," bending down to the eight-year old's height, his breath reeking of alcohol. Jimin grimaced and turned away, receiving a slap from his father.

"Do you think you deserve special treatment, Jimin? Do you think we should just treat you like a king here?" Jimin backed away shaking his head and holding his cheek.

Jiyong pulled Jimin by the hair, "Stop crying, you're a boy. Not a girl!" with this Jimin started to cry harder and whine, "Let go! It hurts!" He hits his father's hands and kicked by Jiyong wasn't having it.

"If you don't stop, I will not hesitate to kill you!" He threw Jimin's small body against the wall and he knocked his head, creating a dent in the wall.

His head started to bleed and he could barely see. He saw a blur of his dad's body and heard distant hollering as his older brother stood in front of him.

"Go!" Jihyun yells to Jimin.

His body felt limp, his back aches, and his head throbbed.

What did he do to deserve this pain?

BLOOMING FLOWERS ; yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now