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"Can you turn on the news for me, Namjoon?" his father asked him that morning. "Alright," Namjoon got up from the breakfast table, picking up the remote and switching on the News Channel. A small segment about the weather and such casted onto the screen and Namjoon went back to sit next to his father.

It was a normal day... minus Taehyung. Taehyung usually would be bouncing around the house like usual but with his absence it was quieter than normal.

Namjoon's mother had a busy schedule that morning so couldn't attend breakfast and Taehyung... nobody knew where Taehyung went. After the party, Taehyung came back home and disappeared in the morning for school. He was counted as absent but his parents could care less about the younger. He wasn't the heir to the company.

Namjoon was planning to go to school early that morning upon Jungkook's request but the upcoming news report stopped him from doing so.

"A local News Station released new information about an incident that happened three months before today that had gone undiscovered by the press. 49 year old male, Park Jiyong, was sent to prison for child abuse, neglect, and assault of his youngest son, Park Jimin."

Namjoon stood up so quickly that his knee hit the table. "Why are you so jumpy?" His father, Namgi, raised an eyebrow as Namjoon walked over to the TV. Namjoon didn't respond to his question but instead gaped at the TV.

"... incident took in one of the smallest districts of Daegu which creates a lot of excitement since this district is known for being peaceful. 18 year old Min Yoongi was also injured severely in defense of Park Jimin who was allegedly going to be murdered on the day of Park Jiyong's arrest."

"This is not right..." he muttered to himself. The Kims had payed the police to silence the report and not release to the public as a high class family, their bribery was taken but for an odd reason here it was broadcasting. He ran to his room to pick up his phone and call Yoongi right away but he received a call from Jungkook. His hand slipped, picking up the call.

"Hello?" Namjoon answered, putting his phone to his ear and throwing things around looking for his keys. "Hyung, I was watching news with my Dad and-"

"I know, I know, I saw it too. Jesus, this is way too soon." Namjoon huffs, running down the stairs. "Wait, Hyung, you knew?" Jungkook asks.

"Yes, I knew I just-"

incoming call from Jimin...

"Jimin's calling me," Namjoon says to the younger, hopping into his car and starting the engine. "Just connect him to the call," Jungkook says to which Namjoon connects the call.

"Hello? Jimin?" Namjoon calls over the phone but all the two can hear is heavy breathing. "Hyung, come quick. Come to the district's hospital." Anxiety hit Namjoon immediately. He swallowed dryly.

Please, God, let it not be Yoongi. Not now.

"Wait, what the fuck is going on?" Jungkook was more than confused, "Why are you at the hospital?"

"Yoongi- he-" more stuttering came through the phone. "Jimin, breathe, I'll be right there," the sense of nostalgia was clear as day.

It was just like the last time but this time Yoongi might die for good due to his stubborn attitude. Jimin hung up after a supposed doctor came in to assess what happened. Namjoon picked up Jungkook from his house on the way to the hospital and drove to the hospital.

Jungkook's parents refused to have their son go to school due to the huge case that was being aired. They were afraid that their son would be recorded in the case as well but they permitted Jungkook to go to the hospital with Namjoon.

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