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"Jiminie!" Taehyung leaps on Jimin again, just like yesterday and Yoongi scowled a bit but let it slide and sat down next to Jungkook who seemed lonely

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"Jiminie!" Taehyung leaps on Jimin again, just like yesterday and Yoongi scowled a bit but let it slide and sat down next to Jungkook who seemed lonely.

"Jungkook-ah," and at the sound of the Yoongi's voice, he jumps, "Hyung, you scared me!"

"You seem to have a lot on your mind," Yoongi leans back on the bench. "I'm just overthinking again. Taehyung's been ignoring me lately and I don't want to be a nuisance but I feel like he doesn't love me anymore." He takes a quick glance at his boyfriend beaming over Jimin before holding his head up to swallow the tears, welling up in his eyes. He quickly eats up his sadness and gains his composure. "I'm being way too emotional," He gasps and took a shallow breath.

"You've been together for three years. You have every right to do something about it. I'll talk to him if you'd li-"

"No." Jungkook cuts him off, "I'll do it myself. I may be younger than all of you but I can do it on my own but thanks for asking."

The school bell rings, the doors open, and Jungkook picks up his backpack taking off to the building but Yoongi catches up to him, "Wait, Jungkook!"


"How did you confess to Taehyung?"

• • •


Hoseok dragged the younger to his set of friends, "Hyung!" he whines as he tries to fight against Hoseok's grasp. "You need to make friends, Jungkook,"

"But your friends are scary! Plus your not my dad!" the sixth grader squeals, "Stop being a baby!" as the two were fighting like a mom and son, they were soon interrupted by the grey haired boy, "Hoseok,"

"Hmm?" The older let go of the brown haired boy who just flopped onto the floor because of the amount of force he was tugging at. "Yoongi-hyung wanted to talk to you," he notions over to the lunchroom behind them.

"Alright, Jungkook, please, try to socialize," the older

Jungkook hummed half-hearted as he picked up his lunch bag from off the floor and examined the sketchbook he had dropped too, looking for any hint of damage before realizing he was alone with Taehyung.

"A-Ah! I'm so sorry, I'm being rude, aren't I?" he bows profusely in front of the older who could only grin. "Are you in sixth grade? I didn't know that you guys could be so cute!" He giggled, pinching the younger's cheeks who returned a sheepish smile.

Taehyung suddenly gasped, "Oh, my God! You're just like a little bunny!" which made Jungkook flush in embarrassment, adjusting his circular glasses. "Can I call you, bun? I'm sorry, if I'm being weird you're just so adorable!"

Jungkook finally broke out of his paralyzed state and nodded quickly. "I need you to meet my best friend, come on!"

After a few months of them being close, Jungkook noticed some symptoms when he was around the older. Whenever Taehyung would laugh, he would start to laugh too, whenever Taehyung would compliment him he would feel like he had achieved something, but because they were so young, he doubted his feelings. He was in seventh grade now, was it just hormones?

"Hyung, can I ask you something?" Jungkook slipped off his headphones to resting onto his shoulders. "Ask a way," Taehyung responds, not taking his eyes off the screen ahead of him as he selected his character.

"Is being gay, really a sin?" he bit his lip as the words left his mouth. the older quickly turned his head and gaped.

"Of course not, why do you ask...?" Taehyung says, alternating his gaze between the game and Jungkook. "Um... because I may or may not like you,"

Jungkook wasn't supposed to say that out loud. Why the hell did he say that out loud?

His face paled as he saw Taehyung's nervous system completely flat-line with the answer. He suddenly got up and stood right in front of Jungkook, knelt down and kisses him on the cheek. "You're pretty cute too if I say so myself,"

"That was so cringy, I thought I could look for advice or something...," Yoongi groaned, shaking his head. "Hey! I was like 12!" the younger protests​. His eyes narrow as it dawned on him, "Wait, Hyung, why did you need advice-"

But before he could be answered, Yoongi had completely dipped evading the question entirely. "This Hyung is so bothersome," Jungkook thought to himself as he continued through the hall by himself.

• • •
shitty chapter but ok.

jamais vu has got me shook thank you and goodbye.

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