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The few days that Yoongi had left for the recital went by fast and he was definitely not ready - at least that's what he told himself - for it all

"Hyung, you're going to be fine. Get some sleep." Jimin yawned over the phone. "Happy Birthday, Jimin," Yoongi groggily chuckles as he watches the clock switch to 12:00 AM.

"Thank you," he says, "Now get some sleep." the call ends and Yoongi places his phone on the charger. As he closes his eyes, he can't help but get an eerie feeling.

He couldn't fall asleep. So many things were on his mind and so many things that were not only going with himself but Jungkook and Taehyung.

They were so young, why now?

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"Yoongi!" Jimin waves him over with the same cheeky smile of his. He had dressed up formal for the event along with the other four. Jimin had dyed his hair purple for his birthday, saying that he wanted to turn a new leaf since it was his birthday. Jungkook, Jimin, Namjoon, and Taehyung had dresses formally for the high class event. Jungkook had complained multiple times in Jimin's car that the suit was uncomfortable but he was still unable to switch to his normal white shirts and jeans.

All the other performers were black and white attire and most of them had dyed their hair black to match so the only differentiating Yoongi from the rest was his light blue hair that he insisted on keeping despite his mother's objections.

"You look great," Jimin chimes. "You're saying that like you don't," Yoongi grins, watching as Jimin becomes embarrassed. "My mom is arriving later, she's getting everything set up for later today,"

"16 years old, huh?" Namjoon approaches Jimin from behind. "Older, but not taller,"

"I swear to God-"

"Chill, Hyung, you have five more years," Taehyung says.

"Not to long after, the performers were called backstage and Yoongi had to leave the conversation of the small talk the five of them were having, Taehyung was giving Yoongi looks with his arm around Jimin as he walked away.

Yoongi couldn't help but think he was planning something but what could he do? He has his boyfriend.

The stage was bigger than he thought but it was nothing in comparison to the hall. The stage was probably half the size of his gym with the black yamaha grand piano sitting in the middle.

The hall had rows upon rows of relvet leather seats that stretched out to almost the size of football field.

The recital was a big deal and all of the songs played here were by the students so this is where entertainment companies sometimes scout composers and singers.

Yoongi was the youngest out of the musicians (which stretched to the age of twenty-seven) so he was cursed with responsibility of opening the recital.

The head of the recital's direction, Oh Sohyung, proceeded to give instructions about seat placement and order, how to introduce yourself, etc.

They did a quick rundown of everything and as they let in families, friends, and whoever was attending in, the anxiety started to pump throughout his body and rose to his throat.

"Ms. Oh!" Yoongi whispered to her in a yelling-like fashion, "Can I quickly go the bathroom?"

"Sure but be quick because you're up first,"

BLOOMING FLOWERS ; yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now