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my dumbass completely forgot about lalalisa's party because i'm reading from an old outline which didn't include it so pretend she said later next week instead of tonight

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Jungkook arrived at the party at around nine o'clock that night. Gowon was by his side dressed in a revealing dress showing off her cleavage and what not and Jungkook had chosen an expensive sweater that Taehyung had gifted him and jeans. He had put on a minimal amount of makeup for the extra attention.

Knowing Taehyung, he would probably find out where Jungkook was and try to keep an eye on him so that's why Jungkook left his Snapchat location on.

The music was blaring some Western Rap Song. All of it was in English so he couldn't really understand it. It was one of those songs that you could feel the bass vibrate throughout your whole body if you played it loud enough.

There were more upperclassmen than freshman so Jungkook stood out like a sore thumb with his youthful rounded face. He was shorter than most of the boys at the party which made him feel slightly inferior.

Many of the teens that went to the Honors School he attended were rich and Lalalisa was one of them. Her parents were in some type of shady business too so Lalalisa was free to buy alcohol under their IDs because they simply just did not care.

Monoban's parties were invite-only or if you had some social status then you could get in but the nasty things that the high schoolers commoners would do just to get a sip of alcohol they weren't legally allowed to have was just down and dirty.

"Lisa!" Gowon squealed, hugging the girl running the party. "Gowon!" she hugged back with Jungkook just observing from a foot behind. "Oh, you brought Jungkook! Hi, there cutie!" Lalalisa kissed his chin which honestly made Jungkook a bit uncomfortable but nonetheless he smiled. "Nice seeing you, Noona,"

"Oh, come on, Kook. Drop the formalities, consider yourself my friend." she nudged him, "Loosen up a bit, have a drink or two,"

Jungkook's moral compass must've been completely out of order that night because he followed Lalalisa's advice. He was a bit tipsy by the time the party was starting to get really hyped up.

Lalalisa always danced for everyone in the middle of the party so it was her turn to do so.

He watched her in fancination. She had obviously known what she was doing and that performance because she glanced at him every now and then when she got the chance to before looking away smirking at what a spell she was casting on Jungkook.

Once the song was done, Lalalisa made her way toward Jungkook. "I saw how you were staring at me," she pushed herself onto Jungkook and the alcohol in the boy's system told him to grab onto her waist. Lisa was traced her fingertips on his neck before going in for a kiss but Jungkook suddenly put his hand up in defense.

"I shouldn't be doing this," he said to her, pushing her off. "Ah, Kookie, why not?" she pouted. "I have a boyfriend. I can't be so unloyal to someone." He then storms out of the house, calling Hoseok to pick him up.

"Well, you finally came to your senses, huh?" Taehyung snarls from behind Jungkook. Taehyung was livid, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at the younger.

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