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"Yoongi, you need to talk to Jimin," Namjoon presses. "Stop telling me what to do. You always do thi-"

"Listen to me for once, damn it!" Namjoon shouts at him, "Can't you bend your pride over far enough just for Jimin to come to tell you one thing," Yoongi opened his mouth to say something but then shut it. Namjoon was right. He should at least give Jimin a chance to voice what he wanted to say.

"Hey, you don't have to listen to him," Seokjin told Yoongi which made Namjoon quite livid. Seokjin smirks at the younger's anger a bit before saying, "But he's right. Make your choice."

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Park Jimin, Min Yoongi has permitted you to enter his room," Nurse Kim says, smiling to him as she came out of his hospital door, "He's asleep, right now but you can visit later," Namjoon looked toward Jimin as he exited Yoongi's hospital alongside Seokjin who was on his phone, supposedly dialing up work.

"No, it's fine. I want to see him now." Jimin got up straightening out his jacket and rubbing his eyes before almost dashing into the room. Jungkook had a subtle smile on his lips. "Go find your love, hyung," he said sadly, but it wasn't as audible as he wanted it to be so no one heard him.

He stared down into his own phone screen, looking at a post of the two of them out.

He stared down into his own phone screen, looking at a post of the two of them out

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"Please, I'm sorry. You can cheat on me for all I care. Just come back." he whispers to himself, getting up and exiting the hospital with Namjoon who had his arm over the maknae's shoulder in comfort.

Jimin enters the room, peering around the door at first. Yoongi was laying down on his back and all the medical tubes that was coming in and out of him were scary. He's had the same thing when he was a lot younger but his brain probably just decided to block everything out so it was like a new experience for him.

Jimim knew why Yoongi wanted him to stay away. All of his emotions resurfaced again and he became choked up. He slowly advanced to the side of his bed and sat down. His hand trembled as he fingers touched his pale skin. "Yoongi...," he whispers, his voice wavered as he called the older's name.

"All the things that I should've said to you that would have made everything so much better for you. God, I hate myself." He whimpers, resting his arms on the railing of the bed. "I thought I just looked up to you. You always fought through everything and tried your hardest to not look weak because of pride? You're so stupid, Yoongi-hyung!" he covered his mouth, gasping at what he just said.

"I didn't mean that," he said apologizing, even though he knew that Yoongi couldn't hear him, "I just- ugh- I love you okay," he put his head his in hands.

He pulled a tissue from the nightstand's tissue box and blew his nose before tossing the ball in the trashcan. "I made a song for you even. Namjoon helped me..." he approached Yoongi again and leaned over onto the bed. "I named it Serendipity,"

"Although, it was pretty mediocre and I'm not that good at composing like you are... I tried."

"I'm too shy to sing it in front of you while you're awake but maybe I could do it now."

He hummed as he began to sing for Yoongi. The sweet melody traveled to his lips and awoken Yoongi as he sung. The older didn't dare to open his eyes, afraid that Jimin would stop.

"You're my penicillium, saving me, saving me. My angel, my world... I'm your Calico cat, here to see you. Love me now, touch me now..."

He felt a certain lift in his chest. He's never heard Jimin sing a song like this before.

Recalling to the project, he remember what Namjoon said to him.

" Jimin's been working with me on a song. He said he wrote it for someone he loved, someone who saved him; someone who was his medicine. I don't know who it's about but I'm afraid isn't you."

He was Jimin's medicine and Jimin was his too.

He felt his lungs clear up. His throat and nose became less clogged and his body wasn't aching as much. It was disappearing. His disease was disappearing.

"Let me love, let me love you," Jimin drifted off his with eyes closed as he felt tears stream down his face. He felt like everything was going to be okay as long as Jimin loved Yoongi. Yoongi was going to be okay. Yoongi opened his eyes and smiled at the younger who still was unaware of his consciousness.

"Let me love, let me love you," Yoongi hummed along with Jimin who jolted in surprise. "Hyung!" he held the older close who took off his oxygen mask to get further access to the younger. "Hyung, I don't know why but I was so scared," Jimin cried into his hyung's sweater. "I know you were, I know you were... I was too." he rubbed his back soothingly as his own tears started sprout from his eyes.

"Jimin, call the nurse. I want to check if they're gone. They feel gone." Yoongi pulls away from the younger.

"What do you mean? You think the flowers are gone?" Jimin asks, eagerly. Yoongi nodded and Jimin wasn't hesitant in the slightest. "Nurse! Nurse! He's awake!"

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