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i ended up deleting the original chapter 20, i couldn't stand the chapter and it was poorly written and very unrealistic. i won't try to write anything describing the scene and instead i'll bring it along later on. i decided to extend the story to at least six more chapters than planned.

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The cat was out of the bag and Jimin kept quiet about, that was until Yoongi stayed home from school, claiming he was "exhausted from being up all night on the piano" which was strange since although he would be at the bring of fainting that he would still drag himself to school as long as Jimin was there.

He had his mom call in sick and begged her to let him visit Yoongi for the sake of "comfort".

Jimin used the spare key from under the mat to open the door and was greeted by the loud coarse cough of Yoongi from his bedroom upstairs.

Jimin ran up the stairs to witness Yoongi curling up on his bed. lillies were p
pouring from out his throat carrying thorns and blood.

"Hyung...," It pained Jimin's heart to see him like this. Yoongi was become weaker and weaker and Jimin hadn't even noticed. He was too self-absorbed in himself.

Yoongi jolted at the sound of Jimin's voice. "Jimin?! You shouldn't be he-" he was interrupted by another violent coughing fit as he tried to sit up.

"Hyung, lay down, please," The younger helps him back onto his back. "So he was right...," Jimin whispers to himself. "You knew didn't, you?" Yoongi rasps, hiding his head, "I lied to you, go ahead, say you hate me,"

Jimin could only stare at him as tears spring in his eyes, "I'm not mad Yoongi. I'm afraid... and a little hurt but you have good reasons to lie to me about this. Yoongi, I care about you and do you know how much it would kill me that in day you could've died and I couldn't even say 'goodbye'."

Yoongi's throat felt clogged up as he saw Jimin eyes glimmer with tears of sorrow. A cramp built up in his heart as he reached for the younger's hand. "Jimin, it's you," he whispers.

"What do you mean, of course, it's-" his voice trails off as it dawns on him.

He was the one who was making him sick.

Yoongi's hanahaki disease was because of him.

Yoongi had fallen for Jimin.

Jimin opened his mouth to respond but all of Yoongi's doubts began to gave in.

His heart simply couldn't take the rejection.

Someone so strong, fearless to the point of breaking the edge of suicidal behavior had grown so weak.

"Hyung? Hyung!" the boy's eyes started to close and Jimin started to shake him into consciousness but nothing seemed to work.

His hands shook violently as he reaches for his cellphone, dialing the emergency line.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My friend, he passed out and I think he's got a severe case of hanahaki disease. I don't know how long time he's had it but he's really weak and- and- I think he's dying!"

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