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Everything was bright;

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Everything was bright;

so very bright.

It left him wondering, how the hell did he call asleep with all the sunlight peering into the window.

He heard distant chatter from downstairs, who could possibly be downstairs at this moment? Jihyun was in Seoul for college and his grandmother wasn't coming back to Daegu until the weekend.

A certain low toned voice was picked up by Jimin's ears. "Yoongi?" he thought to himself, kicking up the sheets of his bed and running down the stairs that led to the living room. "Oh, honey, you're awake," his mother smiled and Yoongi came in eye contact with Jimin (who had blonde unruly bed hair).

Yoongi stifled a laugh at Jimin's hair which made the younger huff in embarrassment as he combed through his hair, approaching the couch his mother - Dahyun - and Yoongi was. "Are you hungry, Jimin?" his mom asked and he responded with a nod. Dahyun gets up and hurries to the kitchen, leaving the two boys.

"So why are you here? Not to be rude or anything...," Jimin asks sitting down next to the mint haired boy, "I thought you wouldn't want to come back after... you know,"

"I got over myself and I wanted to come see you. I'm so-"

Jimin cut off Yoongi with a laugh, "Min Yoongi, I swear to God of you say 'I'm sorry' one more time," which made Yoongi smile sheepishly. "I'm fine. I promise. Namjoon and Taehyung's family has been helping out with our rent and things so there is less stress on my mom and I. I've been taking medication for everything and this morning I just slipped up. I'm okay, really." he rests his arm on Yoongi's shoulder.

"I'm glad," Yoongi said, "I just over think things, y'know?" he opens his backpack, taking the same envelope Namjoon gave him, "This is from Namjoon, by the way, give it to your mom,"

The blonde nods and gets up to give it to his mom and he comes back with a bowl of bulgogi. "Oh, also, Taehyung is holding a party on Friday. Do you think you can make it?"

"I'm pretty sure, my mom is sick of me being home all day," Jimin says, "I'm ready to return back to hanging out on Friday's too." This made Yoongi's heart warm and he felt a little tickle in his throat.

"I'm looking forward to it too,"

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