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          Now Playing ▶ SAD! - XXXTENTACION 

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          Now Playing ▶ SAD! - XXXTENTACION 

Gym class was probably Yoongi's favorite class. Believe it or not, his dad wanted him to be on the high school basketball team due to the boy's skill from playing with Jimin after school, but his mom promptly rejected because it would distract him from practicing the piano.

"We're picking teams for a game of basketball. Yoongi and Jinyoung get to pick teams." Mr. Bae lobs the basketball over to the Jinyoung which Yoongi jumps to intercept the ball.

Yoongi already had his eyes on Jimin, but Jinyoung - to get back at Yoongi - picked Jimin to be on his team instead of Yoongi's. Jimin gave a confused glance to Yoongi which he just responded with pretending not to care.

They began the game with the two team captains in the middle. As soon as the ball dropped toward the middle of the court, Yoongi swept the ball out of Jinyoung's grasp. He headed to the basket for a layup only to be blocked by Wooseok who towered above Yoongi and was quick to overtake the ball.

Yoongi let out a curse at his height proceeding sprinting to the other side of the court.

Further, into the game, it was a close game (12-14) when Jinyoung had managed to snag the ball from Hyungwon and was sprinting down the court. Of course, since Yoongi was still down court waiting for him. He took the chance to swipe at the ball, succeeding, but he didn't notice that Jimin was right behind him and he bumped right into him at full speed. Yoongi knocked him down, and he hit his head against the gym floor with a hard thump.

Yoongi could have gone down the court to the other team's basket with an open opportunity - since no one was around the basket - but instead, his instincts told him to drop the ball and check if his best friend was okay.

"Shit...," He dropped the ball immediately, "I'm so sorry, Jimin, I didn't mean to," Jimin continued to grimace and bite back tears. "It doesn't hurt that much, don't worry," He tried to calm down Yoongi, but he knew that he was internally panicking at the remembrance that the hard blow to his head had given him. Everybody just huddled around and watched, murmuring among themselves. Yoongi could hear a particularly rude comment from Jisung who complained about how "Jimin always ruins the game for us"; but he just ignored Jisung and took Jimin to the nurse.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. I didn't mean to..."

"I'm okay, don't worry, I'm not a little kid!" He chuckles light-heartedly, his hands were visibly shaking as he pressed the ice pack against the back off his head. It makes Yoongi's heart flutter at the sound of his laughter. He smiles sheepishly because of it, but he was still concerned. He grabbed the ice pack from his hands and held Jimin's shaking hands.

"You're alright," He whispered to him, "As long as I'm here, no one can cause you that much pain again,"

"Never leave me, Yoongi. I don't know what to do without you."

Hearing how helpless Jimin was in these states of mind would always make Yoongi's heart sink. He couldn't promise anything; he really couldn't.

All he could do is lie to keep Jimin's heart happy.

I miss playing for my high school and writing this chapter made me realize how much I miss playing basketball ;-;

i've made a spotify playlist for all the songs that are going to be in this story.

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