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Taehyung was more than jealous that Jimin had traded their childhood friendship for Yoongi.

How could he ever ditch him for someone as self-absorbed and blannd as Yoongi? Ever since Yoongi met Jimin that day at school, Jimin was drawn to him.

But Taehyung couldn't own up to his own mistakes.

Once Jungkook and Taehyung were officially a couple, Jimin was forgotten.

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Jimin layed on the ground, holding his stomach. He wailed in pain as the pain of loneliness and the developing splitting headache from hitting the concrete had made his dead spin. Some high schoolers jumped him and stole whatever they found useful from his backpack while he was going home.

Now I'm going to get beaten twice, he thought to himself, trembling and sobbing between labored breaths.

"Jimin, is that you?" A low voice walks down the alleyway. "H-Hyung?" he whimpers. "Jimin!" Yoongi gasped, kneeling by him.

"Are you okay?" he was frantic to be at Jimin's aid. He picked up everything and put them back into Jimin's bag the best he could. "My head hurts," he whined. "I don't think I can get up,"

"Let me help you," he put Jimin's backpack on his back and helped Jimin on his back. "I'm taking you to my house, my dad will help with the injuries."

"Thank you," Jimin rested his head on Yoongi's collarbone and shut his eyes to bear the pain of the headache. Soon enough, Yoongi had arrived at his house and kicked the door to try to get his parents' attention. "Yoongi, just open the do-"

"Dad, Jimin needs help. Please, help him." Yoongi cuts him off, eagerly trying to get Jimin to some type of aid. "Bring him upstairs and put him on your bed, I'll be right there,"

Yoongi struggled a bit carrying the male upstairs into his room and this caused some incoherent mutters of "I'm sorry" from Jimin but Yoongi simply ignored it and set Jimin down on his bed. His father came back with some medical tools and told Yoongi to go outside and wait as he checked up on the younger which Yoongi in the end promptly refused.

"Why were you all alone?" Mr. Min asks Jimin. "I was hanging out with a few other friends and I went home early. I didn't know anything bad would happen."

Jimin looked visibly stressed and anxious as if he wanted to say more but Yoongi didn't want to pry when his dad was around. "Next thing I know, I'm thrown to the ground by some people and I'm aching all over,"

"I'm glad that Yoongi found me though," Jimin glances at Yoongi mustering his best smile through the pain to which the older returned.

"You might have a concussion. I suggest your parents take you to the doctor tomorrow. Your parents are probably worried sick about you, kiddo. What's your mother's phone number? I'll ring her up." Mr. Min then asks Yoongi to go fetch his phone from the kitchen counter.

Jimin proceeded to recite the number and Yoongi's Father calls up Jimin's Mother. "Hello?" the mother answers anxiously on the other side. "Hi, Mrs. Park, I have your son at my house. My son, Yoongi, on the way home from school found Jimin hurt so he brought him to me to check up on him."

"Oh, thank the Lord! I was worried about him. Could you please let me talk to him?"

Mr. Min agreed and handed Jimin - who's head was bandaged - the phone. "Hi, mom," Jimin answers leading to a conversation ensued between the two and Yoongi's father beckoned him to the room over.

"When I was caring for your friend over there, I saw some unusual marks on him," He says. "What do you mean? Do you think this isn't the first time he's gotten bullied?" Yoongi cocks his head in confusion. His father nodded, "He's very fragile by the looks of it as well. So please, for his sake, Yoongi take care of him."

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