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Yoongi woke up with a horrible cough on that Saturday morning. Flowers poured from his throat and pooled on his pillow. His throat itched and burned so harshly that he was holding back tears.

His cellphone rung, Hoseok was probably calling about the project progress. "Hello?" Yoongi rasps into the phone. "Hyung, are you sick?" The younger immediately responds. "No, I woke up with a sore throat, the fan was running too high last night," he lied, motioning over to his laptop. "Make sure to drink water, alright?" Yoongi hums in response.

"So how's the project going?"

"It's going smoothly. I finished a page last night. Want to hear it so far? It's not edited but it's still good." Yoongi responds, clicking onto his musescore. "I'll come by later after practice, I'll ask Jungkook about shooting the video for us."

"Thanks, Hobi," Yoongi thanks him.

"Any time, take care of yourself okay?" and with a click he's gone. Yoongi stumbles down the hallway to go to the kitchen and raid the fridge.

Nothing that Yoongi could possibly eat without cooking except for a lone bagel in the back of the fridge. He snatched it along with some cream cheese and checked if any of his parents were home.

Dad was who knows where and he found a note from his mother saying she went out grocery shopping which was well appreciated.

The house was eerily silent except for a few footsteps from Yoongi as he walked down the hall.

His mind began to wander to his current #1 priority, Jimin.

Jimin was his only thoughts and that's what the song he was producing was about.

A love so life-threatening but he just couldn't bring himself from freeing himself from it. Jimin was his cigarette, he couldn't breathe without him but each breath he took worsened his condition.

His mind traveled to thoughts of the surgery. The surgery scared him. It was at a high success rate of 98% but the little sliver of chance that the 2% could potentially erase all memory of the lover was painful.

He grew anxious thinking about it.

Nobody knew about his hanahaki disease but namjoon. He had told Namjoon to keep it a secret from the other three because if they found out, they would take pity on him and Jimin would most likely flip out the most.

He's had nightmares about it.

"I hate you. I hate you!" He would cry, "I told you everything and you threw that in my face!"

Yoongi didn't even notice that he was crying until he touched his cheeks. It was the first time that he was alone at home in ages so once the flood gates opened, he just couldn't close them.

Whispers of apologies between tears as he felt something crawling up his throat.

Scratching against the insides of his throat, a excruciating pain flamed his throat as he gagged and clawed at his neck. After a few yankings of the lily. Abnormal thorns were present on the stem of the flower.

It was covered with blood.

The sight of yoongi's stomach churn.

It just wasn't fair.

BLOOMING FLOWERS ; yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now