Chapter 11

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Today is the last day of winter break. I didn't even know we had almost 2 weeks off for it.

It's already the new year too, it's officially 2019. I'm also officially 15! My birthday was December 28th, my parents threw a little party where I invited Jackson, Zach and Cody!

I don't know why but my parents have been arguing a lot though. When they know I'm near they stop but when I'm up in my room I can hear them yelling. I don't like it. I cried over it many times the past 4 days.

I haven't told Jackson though, and I'm thinking I should.

"What's on your mind beautiful?" Jackson asked softly.

We were laying on his bed as we were the only ones at his house. Zach and Cody had to do something too secret and important so they couldn't tell me. Jackson's mom is at his aunts house again.

"I'm thinking about my parents."

"What about them?" he asked as he rubbed my arm softly.

We were watching Drake and Josh and cuddling on his bed.

"They have been arguing a lot" I pouted.

He grabbed the remote and paused the show as he sat up. I sat up as well and faced him as I played with the sleeves of his sweatshirt.

I was cold and he gave me one of his sweatshirts which were down to my knees so I just wore my spandex with them.

"Do you know why?" he asked.

"No, whenever they knew I was near they would stop. But when I would be up in my room I would hear them. I don't like them fighting, they made me cry a lot" I frowned.

"How long has this been happening for?"

"Almost a week" I said sadly.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know, I'm sorry JJ."

"It's ok princess" he smiled softly.

He pulled me into him so he wrapped his arm protectively around me.

"I don't want them to argue anymore."

I started scratching my hand really hard again until Jackson stopped me.

"Don't do that baby" he sighed.

I nodded and rubbed my eyes.

"Go like this instead..."

I watched as he took my hands and curled them into the bottom of his shirt.

"So whatever reason you scratch your hand, cause I know it's not just when you are upset curl your hands into my shirt. That way I know when something is bothering you and you don't hurt yourself" he explained.

I nodded and looked at the time. 7:32.

"I don't wanna go home Jackson" I whined.

"I'll take you home but I will stay until you fall asleep, deal?"

I nodded and got up.

"I'll carry your clothes princess, don't worry about it."

I carried my shoes and walked outside with just my shoes on as the cold wind blew making me shiver.

I got in his car and pulled my knees up to my chest as I wrapped my arms around them.

"You need to buckle up" Jackson said.

I buckled up and laid my head against my knees.

"What if they are fighting when I get home?" I asked quietly.

"I'll figure something out" he smiled.

I nodded and when we got home he left my clothes in his car as he wanted to carry me.

He opened up my door and the sound of my yelling parents could be heard.

"I wanna leave JJ" I pouted.

"It's ok, just listen to my voice" he said softly.

He whispered cute things in my ear making me blush and smile as he brought us up to my room.

"Do you have any speakers?" he questioned.

I shook my head no and he sighed. He grabbed my laptop and typed in my password.

I changed it to September because that's the month I met Jackson.

He put on some music from my laptop and let it play as he climb into bed after me.

"Whenever they fight when you're trying to go to sleep call me and I'll answer alright?"

I nodded and snuggled into him.

"JJ?" I asked softly.

"Yeah princess?"

I snuggled into him more and looked up at him with my sleepy eyes.

"Thank you" I whispered.

"For what?"


He stayed silent and kissed the top of my head.

"I would do anything and everything for you Kiari."
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter💕 12-29-18

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