Chapter 35

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I woke up groaning as I held onto my stomach.

"JJ" I mumbled.

I turned over and he wasn't in bed and I frowned. I curled into a ball and yelled for my mom.

She walked in with a smile but it dropped when she saw me.

"What's wrong sweetheart?"

"My stomach really hurts" I whimpered.

"Are you able to stand up?"

She helped me stand up and gasped.

"What? What's wrong?!"

"Kiari honey you got your period" she said.

I remember her talking about me getting it when I'm a teenager but I forgot about it.

I looked at my sheets and there was blood on them.

"Mom! There's blood!" I squealed as my face heated up.

She laughed and kissed my forehead.

"I'll change your sheets and spray your mattress if it got on it. Go shower and I'll get you a pad" she explained.

I nodded and grabbed one of Jackson's sweats and his hoodie.

I walked to the bathroom and took a hot shower reliving some of my pain.

When I got out there was a pad on top of my clothes.

How do I do this? 

Ok just think back to when my mom showed me.

I groaned and noticed the box on the counter. I looked at the instructions and did what I had to do.

Once I was all comfy in Jackson's clothes I walked in my room to see my bed made and a note.

'I ran out to the store, but I still have to go to work after. I'll be home soon.'

I sat on my bed as I held my stomach.

Now I'm kind of glad that Jackson didn't stay the night. That would have been really embarrassing.

But I have school that starts in 25 minutes.

I sighed and threw my wet hair up into a bun. I grabbed my slippers and slid them on as I packed my things into my backpack.

My mom got home and had a bottle of pills in her hand along with some chocolate and another box of pads and something else.

"Alright. So you remember me explaining to you what a period is right?"

I nodded and she sighed.

"Good. You will need these" she shakes the box of pads "and when you are swimming or something like that use" shakes the other box "but since you just started it I think you shouldn't be using tampons just yet."

I nodded and she walked into the bathroom and put the things under the sink.

"I don't get them anymore since I had surgery, you know that, but if you ever need more just tell me. Also here is some chocolate's and a heating pad that also helps with the cramps" she placed the bag and turns to leave "oh and the pills in there also help your cramps as well."

I took in all the information and nodded. I set the pills on my desk as I swung my bag over my shoulder.

"If you need anything call me or just go to the nurse."

I nodded once more and she rushed out of my room. I sighed and looked at the pill bottle then quickly stuff it into my bag. I slowly walked down the stairs holding onto my stomach waiting for Jackson.

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