Chapter 13

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"Come on princess it's time for school" Jackson whispered.

"JJ I don't wanna go" I whined.

He sent me a small smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Please? For me? I promise to buy you gummy worms after school."

My smile widened and I jumped up as he started laughing.

"I'll get ready JJ" I beamed.

I really love gummy worms.

Once I was all ready I walked out of my bathroom and Jackson smiled at me.

"You're so beautiful all the time I swear" he mumbled

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"You're so beautiful all the time I swear" he mumbled.

I blushed and hugged him.

"We are getting breakfast on the way so hurry."

I nodded quickly and put my heels on as I grabbed my bag and phone.

"Can I wear your leather jacket today?" I asked shyly.

He nodded and sent me a wink as I blushed even more.

"Are my parents home?" I asked.

"Only your dad."

I nodded and walked to the kitchen.

"Jackson is taking me to breakfast, bye dad" I smiled.

"Bye sweetheart."

I kissed his forehead as I said I love you and rushed out the door.

When we got to school he turned the car off and faced me.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked.

I nodded and faced him too with a small smile.

"Do you talk to Bradley at all?"

I shifted uncomfortably and played with my fingers. I don't want him to be mad at me.

This is probably the reason why he kept checking my phone at breakfast after he made me put it on the table.

I just shrugged and I heard him groan.

"I saw the text he sent you last night, that he wanted an answer for hanging out without me" he growled.

I flinched slightly and started to pulled on my sleeves.

"I'm sorry JJ, I was going to tell you" I whispered.

"Kiari you know how I don't like him, when were you going to tell me? Before or after you went to go see him" he said angrily.

"I'm sorry JJ, I really was going to tell you. Please don't be mad."

"He could have done something to you, something really bad I wouldn't even have known" he spat.

I wiped away the tears that fell down my face.

I heard him sigh and he lifted my chin up as he wiped the rest of my tears away.

"Come here."

I climbed over the middle part and sat on his lap.

"I'm sorry, I'm just protective of you. I don't want anything bad to happen to you" he said softly.

I nodded and leaned against him.

"Alright we have to get inside so we aren't late" he said.

I nodded and we got out of the car as a few people were staring and whispering. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to our first period.


"JJ just let me pee" I laughed.

"5 minutes princess" he groaned.

I laughed and tried skipping in heels down the hall to the bathroom as he walked to the lunchroom.

When I was all done I made my way to the lunchroom but I was stopped by Bradley.

"Hey cutie" he smiled.

"Hi Bradley" I said.

"So do you have an answer about my text? You read it."

"Um, I'm sorry but I don't think that's a good idea. I don't want to make JJ upset even more than he is about it" I said softly.

"You told him?!" he asked angrily.

"No! He was the one who saw the text, I was at his house last night and he brought me home."

He groaned and rubbed his face.

"So no hanging out?"

"No I'm sorry."

He reached out and touched my cheek softly.

"Then I guess I'll see you whenever Kiari" he said softly.

I nodded and he walked away.

I turned around and saw Jackson leaning against the lockers staring at me.

I looked down at the ground and walked towards him.

"What were you doing with him?" he asked lowly.

"We were just talking."

"It didn't look like you were just talking" he growled.

I flinched and tears formed in my eyes.

"I was explaining to him how I couldn't hang out with him. He just said bye, I promise JJ. Please don't be mad at me again, I don't like it" I whispered.

I tugged on the sleeves of his leather jacket that I'm wearing and wiped a tear that fell down my face.

He sighed and pulled me into him.

"I can never stay mad at you princess, it's impossible" he said softly.

He kissed the top of my head as I breathed in his scent.

"You're my best friend JJ."

He laughed and kissed my head again.

"You're my best friend too baby."

I blushed but looked up at him.

"What about Zach and Cody?" I questioned.

"You beat them, but don't tell them" he smiled softly.

I nodded and he rubbed my cheek softly.

"You're so adorable."
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter💕 1-12-19

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