Chapter 5

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It's the weekend and it's already 9:30.

I got up but decided to stay in my avocado pj's and walk downstairs.

"Mom?" I asked.


I frowned and slowly walked to the kitchen.

"Mommy?" I asked in a baby voice.

I saw a piece of paper on the island and walked to it.

Hey sweetheart, I'm sorry we are at work again. Stay up in your room:) we love you

I frowned and went up to my room and locked the door behind me.
It's already 8 and it's dark outside. I'm scared of the dark and I'm home alone.

I picked up my phone and called Jackson to have him immediately pick up.

"Hey princess" he said softly.

"Jackson I'm scared" I whispered.

"Where are you beautiful?!"

"I'm at home but my parents have been gone all day. I don't like the dark JJ" I whimpered.

"Turn on the lights."

"I did" I frowned.

He sighed and I heard talking in the background.

"I'm sorry I called you, you are probably busy. I'll see you on Monday" I said.

"Kiari wait!" he said quickly.

I squished my eyebrows together and looked outside.

"I can come over if you want me to."

"Yes please" I begged.

"Ok I'll be there soon."

He hung up and I wrapped myself in my fuzzy blanket.

After a few minutes I heard knocking on the door and I gasped.

I immediately called Jackson as my eyes blurred.

"Yeah?" he asked with a slight chuckle.

"Someone's at the door JJ" I cried.

"Don't cry princess, it's only me. You can open the door" he said softly.

I hung up and unlocked my room door. I walked through the house and quickly opened the door to see Jackson.

I hugged him and he laughed softly.

"You're ok, I'm here."

I pulled away and closed the door quickly.

"When I think you can't get anymore adorable I look at you and see you wearing that" he said as he points to my pj's.

I blushed and walked to the kitchen.

"Do you want anything JJ?" I asked.

"I'm ok" he smiled softly.

I nodded and I heard a noise and clung onto his arm.

"That's just the wind princess" he said.

I nodded and we walked up to my room and I locked the door behind us.

"Where are your parents?" he asked.

"At work" I frowned.

I got into bed and he closed the curtain at my window. He sat in bed and played with his socks.

"How old are you JJ?" I asked.

"I'm 16."

"Then why are you a Sophomore?" I asked.

"I had to take a year off school for personal reasons so I had to stay back. Cody and Zach just got held back cause they ditched too many days and skipped to many classes" he said.

I nodded and played with my blankets.

"I'm still 14, I turn 15 in May" I said.

"You're cute" Jackson said randomly.

I blushed and he scooted closer so he was next to me.

"What's your middle name Kiari?" he asked.

"It's Rose. Kiari Rose Hendworth" I stated proudly.

He smiled and kissed my temple.

"Favorite color?" I asked.

"Grey, yours?"

"Maroon, I love anything colored maroon" I beamed.

"What do you want to do when you're older?" he asked.

"I want to be a photographer, I always liked taking pictures. I also want to travel I've never been farther than the school" I said.

He nodded and I covered myself in the blankets.

"I don't know what I want to be yet, I'm still trying to figure that out" he sighed.

"I bet you will find it JJ!" I smiled.

"Thanks princess" he laughed.

We got to know each other more and I yawned.

"You tired again?" he asked quietly.


I turned over and rested my head on the side of his stomach.

He ran his hands through my hair making me yawn again.

"If you have to leave you can go now" I whispered.

"I can stay a little, don't worry princess. Just go to sleep" he said softly.

With that I fell asleep.
I woke up to me being moved and I groaned.

"Shit" someone mumbled.

"Swear" I whispered.

I opened my eyes and see Jackson standing up.

"Where you going?" I asked softly.

I looked at my clock. 1:27.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

"I was going home, I fell asleep here and have to get back" he whispered.

I frowned but nodded.

"Ok, bye Jackson" I mumbled.

I laid down and pulled the blankets up to my nose.

"I'm sorry princess, I will see you on Monday though" he sighed.

He crouched down and moved the hair away from my eyes.

"It's ok JJ I'm just tired, I'll see you Monday" I yawned.

He nodded and kissed my forehead as my eyes fluttered closed.

"Sleep well princess" he whispered.

A small smile appeared on my face as my eyes shut completely. I heard my door open then close making me fall asleep once again.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter💕 12-8-18

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