Chapter 19

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I smiled at my mom and nodded as she stood up.

She explained this morning that I didn't have to go to school because she has to explain stuff to me. I also told Jackson not to get me today but I never gave him a reason.

She also explained why her and dad got a divorce. I now know that they aren't happy and are happier apart. Which I'm ok with. I just want them to be happy. Well not fully ok with it but still.

"I have to get to work though, are you sure you will be ok home alone? I know this information is a lot to take in and I didn't want you to stress yourself out" she said.

"Yeah I'll be ok. Bye mom, I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart."

She gave me a kiss as she quickly left the house. I got up and locked the door as I turned on the Tv not wanting to walk back upstairs and to my room.

My phone buzzed repeatedly and I sighed.

JJ❤️: Are you ok princess??

JJ❤️: where are youuuu

JJ❤️: Baby??

JJ❤️: Did something happen with your parnts?

JJ❤️: Parents**

JJ❤️: Please answer me Kiari

Me: I'm ok:) my mom explained the divorce and she let me stay home. No biggie

JJ❤️: I'll see you in 10

Me: What?

Me: Why?

Me: JJ!

JJ❤️: You don't want me to text and drive now do you princess?

Me: Stay in school dummy!

I sighed and tossed my phone to the side.

After 15 minutes I laughed. He was clearly joking.

"Kiari! Unlock the door!" Jackson shouted from the other side.

I shrieked and jumped up. I unlocked the door and opened it as I glared up at him.

"You can't just say that JJ, you scared me" I glared.

"I'm sorry princess" he smiled.

He walked himself in as he shut the door and locked it.

"It took so long because so many moms were at the store today and there was a huge line" he groaned.

I laughed and he took the items out of the bag as he named them.

"We got Reece's, big fan of them, then your favorite gummy worms, you can't forget the skittles or the starburst so I got those too, also I got us some Half and Half. You can never go wrong with a large can of half lemonade and half ice tea."

"I never had it before, but I thought half and half was just milk."

"You silly little thing it is, but this stuff is wayyyyyyy better than milk" he said while exaggerating the way.

I laughed and he opened up my can as I took a sip.

"Wow that's good!"

He laughed and grabbed all of our stuff as he went up to my room with me following.

I plopped myself on the bed as he grabbed the remote and set everything up.

"You know you didn't have to leave school right?"

"Yeah I know, but before you came I always skipped classes. But now that you're here I don't skip just because I look forward to the classes we have together. So since you weren't there, there was no point in me being there as well."

I blushed and snuggled into him as I opened the bag of gummy worms.

"Do you want one?" I asked.

I put a gummy worm in front of his mouth as I fed him.

"Do you want your drink?" he asked.

I nodded and he grabbed it from the table and handed it to me.

After our little movie marathon I climbed on top of Jackson as our chests were touching and my face was in his neck. My legs are on either side of him as I rested my arms on either side of him as well.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and rubbed his hands up and down my back.

"Thanks for coming over today" I said softly.

I felt him shiver and I pulled the blankets up more. He doesn't feel cold but oh well.

"I would do anything for you princess, remember that" he whispered.

He kissed my jawline and I started drawing random designs on his shoulder without looking.

I would love to stay like this forever.
GUYS SHANE'S VIDEO COMES OUT SOON. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO COME OUT 2 HOURS AGO BUT HE SAID IT WOULD BE A FEW MORE HOURS. I HONESTLY CAN'T WAIT FOR ITTTTTT. Also I'm sorry this chapter isn't much, it will get interesting soon. I promiseeee. Just hang in there. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter😂💕 1-30-19

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