06. The Deal

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⊰ S I X ⊱

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⊰ S I X ⊱


I stared at the naked man before me, cheeks blazing.

"You bit me," I said as I touched my lip.

His eyes locked onto mine and he smirked. He slowly closed in on me, trapping me between his arms with my back pressed against the wall. He brought his hand up to trail his thumb across my bottom lip, leaving me breathless.

"You bet I did," he said in a low tone.

I scoffed and roughly pushed against his chest in an attempt to get him away from me, but he didn't move an inch. Instead, he grabbed my wrists to keep me from struggling.

"I need you to bring me to your captain now. And when I make my proposition, I need you to agree to it. Got that, darling?" His gaze held mine and I noticed his irises shine as he told me what he wanted me to do. I found myself nodding in agreement to his command, my will softening to mold according to his desire.

"Come with me," I said, determined to follow his instructions. I led him out of the brig, up the ladder and onto the deck. I heard the pirates continuing to laugh and raise their voices as they played their game, making my way toward the noise. Soon they were in sight, and just as I was about to call out to Yoongi, a hand covered my mouth and I gasped as I was pulled back against a solid chest.

"Just remember what I said down in the cell," Jimin spoke in my ear. I felt him reach down and pull out the knife I kept tucked in my boot. My breath hitched as he held the knife against my throat. "Oh, and if anyone asks, you can't tell them about my influence over you. Now let's go," he ordered before pushing me forward.

We approached the circle of pirates who were still oblivious to our presence, then finally, Hoseok looked up and noticed us. His eyes widened and he jumped to his feet and unsheathed his sword. The other five men immediately followed his actions as they realized there was a threat. Six pairs of eyes stared cautiously at Jimin and me.

"How the hell do you have legs?" Jin asked.

"This lovely lady lent me some of her blood." I could hear the smirk in Jimin's voice.

"Get your filthy hands off her," Yoongi growled. He took a step forward but stopped short when he saw me wince from Jimin pressing the knife further into my neck. "What do you want?" Yoongi asked stiffly, his gaze focused on the man who stood behind me.

"I'm finally ready to make a deal with you, now that I have the upper hand." Jimin brimmed with confidence as things were going his way for the first time since he'd been on the ship.

"What could you possibly offer me?" Yoongi tried to sound neutral but there was no mistaking the intensity in his eyes, both fear and interest pooling in their depths.

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