08. Kitten

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** WARNING: This chapter contains some violence, as well as material having to do with suicidal thoughts and behavior. The chapter is not meant to glorify these behaviors in any way, it is only included because it is important to the plot of the story. If you are sensitive to these topics, please read at your own risk. If you want to avoid the scene, you can skip over the italicized paragraphs.**

⊰ E I G H T ⊱

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⊰ E I G H T ⊱


"Where is Jimin?"

My frustration grew with each passing moment that Hoseok stayed silent. He squinted his eyes in thought and scratched the back of his head.

"He was here a whiile ago... maybe he snuck away when I wasssn't lookin'," he slurred, adding a shrug at the end.

I groaned before walking up to Tae, who was busy trying to grab the bottle of rum out of Namjoon's hand.

"I'm going to find Jimin. Please don't get as drunk as the rest of them, you need to get everyone back to the ship on time," I hollered so he could hear me over the music. He just nodded his head before turning back to Namjoon.

I rushed out of the tavern and back onto the quiet street. I looked to my right and to my left, not knowing where to start. Where would he have gone off to? He suggested this morning that he had no intention of leaving us, so why would he have walked off by himself?

On a whim, I decided to turn right and head toward the docks. The last rays of sunlight were fading behind the horizon line of the ocean. An orange hue allowed me to see the docks, and as I approached them, I could make out the small outline of someone sitting with their legs hanging over the edge.

As I neared the sitting figure, my shoulders dropped in disappointment. Instead of Jimin, the person sitting there was the same old man that had collected our docking fee earlier. I grunted, quickly losing what little patience I had left. Why was I the one that got stuck searching for Jimin while the rest of the guys got to enjoy themselves and get drunk?

I decided to walk down to the shoreline, hoping maybe I'd find the damn siren there. As I walked down the beach, I heard a low whistle from behind me.

"Looking good, lass," a deep voice called. I turned around to see two grimy men following me with lazy smiles and stumbling feet. My nose scrunched up in disgust as I knew exactly what kind of men they were. I turned back around.

"Get lost before you do something you regret," I threatened over my shoulder, continuing to walk ahead. A couple of moments passed, but then a large hand grabbed my upper arm and yanked me back.

"Get your hands off me!" I yelled, ripping my arm out of his grasp. I spun around and kneed him right in his abdomen with as much force as I could muster. The man groaned and fell to his knees in pain. Before I had a chance to move, the second man grabbed my hair and yanked my head to the side, causing me to yell out.

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