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My eyes fluttered open to be met with the warm golden beams of sunrise streaming into the bedroom. The window had been opened, a gentle breeze swaying the blue curtains in soft waves while the birds outside sang their sweet morning song.

I sighed in contentment and rolled over, ready to doze off again when the mattress suddenly dipped beside me. A smile graced my lips as his hands slid over my waist, pulling me into the warmth of his chest. His breath sprawled across the back of my neck as he kissed the skin beneath my ear.

"Good morning, kitten." His melodic voice sent familiar tingles through my body. I turned over to face him, matching his smile with my own.

"Good morning, Jimin," I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his neck and playing with his hair.

"Hey, I just fixed my hair. Don't go messing it up." He feigned a pout, earning a laugh from me.

"Why are you up so early? You don't usually go to the shop until-"

"I'm taking the day off. I made plans for us today," he said with a mischievous smirk.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. "And what exactly do these plans consist of?"

"You'll see." He laughed at my frown and brought his lips to mine in a soft kiss before he sat up. "Now start getting ready! We're leaving in half an hour."

I groaned and rolled over, lifting my pillow then placing it down to cover my head. Jimin's scoff was muffled, but I could still hear his feet pad across the floor. Expecting him to tackle me or pull me out of bed, I braced myself, only to realize he was walking away from me. I smiled to myself as I thought he was giving me extra time to sleep, but my minute of silence was quickly torn away.

First, I simply heard two pairs of feet walk into the bedroom, then I heard a few whispers, then the bed dipped and suddenly the air wheezed out of my lungs as a small body tackled me.

"Mommy! Mommy, get up!"

My pillow was tossed to the side and I squinted up at my attacker. Her brunette hair hung in loose, messy waves that framed her smiling face. Her eyes were bright, a golden brown that reminded me of her father's. Soft, rosy cheeks she inherited from me, with a round nose like Jimin's.

"Did Daddy send you here to wake me up?" I asked her, narrowing my eyes playfully. She laughed loudly, as if my correct accusation was the funniest thing to her.

"Yes, it was all Daddy's idea!" she said, shifting on my stomach so she could point at Jimin who stood by the doorway, watching us with a wide smile.

"Of course it was," I laughed, placing a strand of hair behind her ear. She smiled down at me cutely before leaning in and holding my cheeks between her palms.

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