39. Resemblance

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Namjoon and I went to the main deck to discuss my concerns. I didn't tell him that I thought I might be becoming a siren, I simply said he should look further into the curse to find out what happened that made Yoongi remain human after Dawon kissed him. Even Jimin didn't understand what had happened, so it was the perfect excuse to get him to look into things without worrying him about me. I didn't need him and the others to get upset with Jimin when I wasn't completely sure if my suspicions were correct or not.

I hoped with all my might that they were not.

"We shouldn't take chances. It's best if we find out what we can, in case something is happening to Yoongi that we don't know about," I told him, the excuse easily sliding past my lips. It wasn't a lie - I really did think it would be good to make sure nothing bad was secretly happening to Yoongi - but I still mainly came to him in the hopes of proving my theory wrong. 

"Alright, I'll try to translate it and study it as much as I can. I have more books that can help me decipher it faster than my father did, but I still need some time," Namjoon said, looking excited at the idea of doing research. 

"Okay, just let me know if you find anything important." I told him, knowing that if he did happen to see something about the curse that was concerning, he would certainly tell me.

Namjoon returned to the crew's quarters after that while I went back to the hammock, though I barely slept a wink. 

I didn't know what to do or how I was supposed to act around Jimin. Besides the fact that we had argued and snapped at each other, I wasn't sure if I could be normal around him with this suspicion growing in my gut. The rest of the night I spent trying to come up with possible explanations or excuses for him.

Maybe it's all in my head. 

Maybe he truly just doesn't like hurting me by taking my blood, so he's holding back for now.

Maybe for some unknown reason, he has decided he doesn't want to become human anymore. 

Maybe he's been lying to me since the very beginning, back when he couldn't feel love or sympathy. 

The final thought struck a chord in me, but I didn't want to believe it. If it was true that he'd lied since the beginning, it meant he was carrying on the lies even now, after he supposedly was able to feel, which would only mean that he didn't care for me as much as I thought he did. 

I refused to accept that. It would break me to find out that he didn't feel as deeply for me as I did for him. It would destroy me if he'd lied to me all this time, just like Yoongi had.

I couldn't let myself believe any of that, so I did my best to push the thoughts out of my mind. I had to stop letting my doubts consume me. Namjoon would tell me if he found anything important or concerning about how the curse works, so I needed to shift my focus to other things before I drove myself crazy.

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