24. Show Me

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⊰ T W E N T Y  F O U R ⊱

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⊰ T W E N T Y  F O U R ⊱


"We're getting drunk tonight."

"No way in hell am I getting drunk tonight," I shot his idea down without hesitation. I was a terrible drunk and I was not about to remind them of that, nor was I about to let Jimin witness it.

"We'll see about that," Taehyung sung, smiling at me widely.

"Try me." With a smirk, I winked at him.

Taehyung was the only person in our crew that was ever able to convince me to drink, so I knew my odds weren't great. Even so, I loved a good challenge. Plus, it might've been a good way to distract him from the anxiety he felt over having to confront his father.

"I'll bet you get drunk within the first two hours of us being there," Taehyung stated confidently.

Jin and Namjoon both glanced back at us, concern etched onto their faces. They were the most brotherly of the bunch, and they always got apprehensive at the idea of me drinking, mainly because of how reckless I tended to get.

"You're on. But what are we betting?"

"If I win, you have to sing for us. But if you win, I'll do your chores around the ship for a week."

The guys loved it when I sung even though the only times I did were when it was mindless. They'd asked me to sing for them plenty of times before, but I always refused. Yet, the prospect of not having to do any chores for a full week outweighed my fear of singing in front of them.

"Deal," I agreed.

"So who's staying sober to keep an eye on Kat tonight?" Jin asked from ahead of us. We all continued down the hill, the sound of our footsteps filling the otherwise quiet atmosphere. When nobody volunteered, Jin raised his voice, "Well I sure as hell am not doing it! I always end up being the responsible one while you guys have fun and get knocked off your damn rockers! Well, it's not happening this time because—"

"I'll do it," Jimin's smooth voice rang out. He was walking in between Jin and Namjoon, and he kept his face straight ahead as he spoke.

Jin looked at him in surprise. "Really, you will? Are you sure you don't want to drink?"

I watched the back of Jimin's shoulders rise as he shrugged. "I don't mind. It's not something I'm fond of anyway."

"Great! Just make sure you keep a careful eye on her. She gets a bit... unpredictable when she's drunk."

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked, finally looking over at him.

I frowned when he glanced in my direction out of the corner of his eye. Jin threw his arm over Jimin's shoulder and began whispering something into his ear.

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