33. Just a Visitor

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⊰ T H I R T Y  T H R E E ⊱

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⊰ T H I R T Y T H R E E ⊱


"Send all of them."

"I will...But kitten?" Jimin played with my fingers and waited until my eyes to meet his.

I hummed past my smile, remembering how I use to hate the nickname.

"I'm coming back after I rest for a bit. And you won't be able to get rid of me then." His plump lips tilted into a mischievous smile, and my heart stuttered like a shy little girl trying to talk to her crush.

My gaze followed him as he stood up, giving me one final look before turning to leave the room.

"Jimin, wait," I called, waiting for him to face me before continuing. "Can I tell them about you healing me? Or do I have to pretend that I'm still hurt?" Knowing he'd been apprehensive about revealing the full extent of his healing ability to me, I wanted to make sure he was comfortable with the others finding out.

"You can tell them I healed you, but you still need to take it easy. Your wound might be gone, but your body still needs to recover after all the trauma it's been through," he explained, leaning against the door.

"Okay," I nodded.

He continued looking at me, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. I waited, only for him to finally turn around and walk out.

A minute later, I was bombarded by six chaotic pirates.

"Kat!" Jungkook was the first to run up to me, stopping short when he thought better than to pull me into a hug.

"You're okay," Hoseok sighed out in happiness, teary-eyed.

"Thank God you're alright," Namjoon commented.

Jin looked at me in concern. "How do you feel?"

"Are you really okay? We thought—" Tae started, only to be cut off.

"Guys, give her some space," Yoongi raised his voice, though I could tell he was relieved. His dark eyes caught mine and I looked away, a vine of thorny nerves sprouting in my stomach to remind me of the conversation I'd overheard with him and Hoseok as they talked about Dawon.

Am I just a replacement to him? Does he even see me as my own person, or am I just a girl that reminds him of his first love? A means to take away some of the pain from his loss?

The thought that he had fallen for the idea of me rather than who I really was had been tearing me up inside. That, along with how terrified I'd felt after thinking Jimin was gone, had me realizing what I needed to do.

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