28. Like Lightning

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⊰ T W E N T Y  E I G H T ⊱

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⊰ T W E N T Y  E I G H T ⊱


"We'll see about that."

Jimin grinned at my teasing, his plump lips pulling back to reveal perfect white teeth. His eyes squinted into pretty crescent moons, a few loose strands of ever-darkening silver hair falling over them. My cheeks grew rosy at the sight.

"Wow, you didn't blush this hard even when you were singing in front of us," he laughed, raising a hand up to prop himself against the wall. The action brought him closer, and I automatically pressed my back into the door. His eyes twinkled as he opened his mouth again, speaking in a low tone. "Jin was right, your voice really is beautiful..." pausing, his smile slowly lowered into a more serious look, "Almost too beautiful."

I might've swooned from his compliment if not for the last part.

"What do you mean by too beautiful?" I asked, stressing the word like he did.

Jimin was silent for a moment before answering, "The voice can be a powerful weapon, and yours is deadly," he muttered, staring down at me with darkening eyes. "It's best you don't wield it again."

His words left me with a strange feeling, like a heavy foreboding smoke that filled my lungs. But before I could say anything, he was pushing off the wall and walking away, speaking to me over his shoulder.

"See you in the morning, Katherine."

* * *

"Ready to get your ass handed to you?" Hoseok asked Jimin when the three of us gathered together on deck the next morning. It was early dawn, the first bit of sunlight just barely providing enough visibility.

"Not likely," Jimin replied.

"Kat, let Jimin use your sword. You can have my old one since I don't need it anymore," Hoseok said as he approached with both his new and old swords. I took the simpler blade when he held it out to me, then tossed my own sword to Jimin who caught it easily.

I was glad that Hoseok seemed back to normal this morning, no longer acting strangely towards me as he and the rest of the crew had last night. I wasn't sure what had come over them. There was this persistent worry that kept rising in my chest when I thought about it, but I refused to entertain any of the ideas it tried to throw at me. I had been fretting over too many things lately. Yoongi loving Hoseok's sister, Jimin's rejection, the mysterious hickey, Taehyung's wellbeing after seeing his father and June.

But the only thing that currently mattered was doing everything I could to make sure Jimin would survive our encounter with the pirates that Namjoon needed to pay a visit to.

"Alright, to start out, I figured it would be best if you just watch us spar. Focus on our footwork and our form," Hoseok stated, going full mentor-mode. Jimin nodded and stood back, allowing the two of us plenty of space.

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