Thank You

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What a journey it has been.

TSC was the first book I ever had the guts to publish. I wrote only one other story when I was younger and I was too afraid to ever publish it. When I started this story, I based the entire thing around that one scene I imagined where Jimin compelled Kat to come into the cell and he kissed her. Somehow I worked the rest of the plot out from there, and I truly never thought it was good enough or interesting enough for people to really like it, so the fact that I finally reached the ending and this story has somehow gotten nearly 230k reads is so hard for me to believe. There are so many people - both readers and writers - who helped it get to this point. I couldn't possibly tag all the people I want to thank, but any and all of you who encouraged me and supported me...just know that I am grateful.

Writing the first half of this book was so much fun, and while I did enjoy writing every single chapter, I hit a really hard period in my life towards the second half of the book. For a while, I barely had enough energy to focus on college, let alone writing the next chapter. I was dealing with a lot, as we all do at certain points in our lives, and I only wish I could have updated more frequently and been more active on Wattpad in general. I feel like I grew apart from many people due to my absence, and I just want you all to know that I am always open and happy to talk to any of you.

It's so bittersweet to be done with this story. I grew attached to the characters and the fact that I met so many people through the book makes it that much harder to have it completed. But I am so happy for all of the people I've talked to and formed friendships with.

Thank you for sticking around despite such long waits between the last few chapters. Thank you for your kind comments and for so many of you even messaging me personally, whether it was about the book or just wanting to talk in general. I am grateful for all of you ♡

In particular, I want to give a special thank you to Maveea and TaraMattox because without them, this story probably never would have been finished. Thank you for giving me so much confidence as a writer and as a friend. Thank you both for sticking by me through every up and down, for helping me figure things out for this book and most importantly, for being incredible humans that I love very dearly.

Finally, I just thought I'd ask if any of you would be interested in a Q&A? If you have questions for me or for the characters, feel free to ask them here and if I get enough, I'll post a Q&A chapter 😊

Lots of love,


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