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I walk in the room that consist of filming stuff along with ethan,James,Grayson,emma and Ian all of us is better known as the sister squad

I throw my head back and groan "I just wanna go to bed" I say falling on emma's couch fake crying "same dude" emma says coping my actions me,James and emma always understand each other more because we (basically) are all girls

it's currently 3:00am we've been filming for hours, right now we are in the process of filming Emma's video ; the last one

we all take our places so we can fit into the camera we are all kinda squashed but it works like always

it's 5:00am and we just finished Emma's video "I don't know if I'm going to make it home" I say half asleep "me either" Grayson says mocking me

"oh shut up" I say throwing a pillow at him as he's laughing I finally get up and grab my keys saying goodbye to everyone before walking outside hoping into my car

I put the key in the ignition and drive home, lucky I made it home safe and sound,I use my key to unlock the door and walk inside shutting and locking the door behind me

I sigh and walk up stairs throwing off my shoes and getting into something comfortable before sliding into my bed smiling of relief and falling fast asleep

I wake up to my alarm going off it's now 1:00pm I sigh checking my phone for any messages on my phone

James : I have dinner reservations for us at 7:00 be ready

He text to the sister squad groupchat I smile because I'm in the mood for food

I decide to get up and clean a little then edit until I have to get ready

I start getting ready finishing up my highlighter and going to my closet getting my black dress out

James comes in his Tesla and I see emma and Ian are already in there we start driving and they tell me the twins,Laura,and victor will meet us there

we go into get our seats which the twins and Laura is already at and I see a big mirror which is great for mirror pics so I walk over and Ian,James and victor follow me taking the photo with me

I look at it and see it's a good one and notice I have posted to instagram in a long time so decide to

I look at it and see it's a good one and notice I have posted to instagram in a long time so decide to

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Emilymartin : gram fam
23 seconds ago

i follow them to the table and take a seat by emma the waiter comes up to us, he has the prettiest blue eyes,light brown fluffy hair and a perfect smile

he looks at me and smiles in which I return he goes around the table asking people what they want then finally comes to me and I tell him what I want as he takes my menu slightly touching my hand on purpose winking at me

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