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it's now Wednesday and im going to the office to talk to katie about some arrangements for tomorrow

my phone goes off someone tagged me in something i decide to look at it

lacilavern : moving to la today!! miss you new jersey but peace out ✌🏼 @emilysmain : @emilymartin heard she's grays ex 🤭

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lacilavern : moving to la today!! miss you new jersey but peace out ✌🏼
@emilysmain : @emilymartin heard she's grays ex 🤭

i turn off my phone, why does she have to move here i roll my eyes "you will be meeting the two girls going with you today." she says

"the first one was asked to go but she brought a friend with her." she says "okay." i say

"can i bring a friend?" "they said it was okay." she shrugs i pull out my phone texting emma

me : pack your bags bitch you're coming to figi w me no if ands or buts !!

em🥰 : already packing!!

i smile seeing that she can come i see a male walk into the room

"Katie,Calvin just landed so the girls flight will be at 7:00." he smiles

he's pretty young to be a manager or agent or whatever

"okay,she's bringing a friend." katie says looking through a stack of papers

he looks at me with a look of asking who "her names emma chamberlain,i don't know if you've heard of her." i smile

"yes my sister watches you two every night." he laughs "you're emily right?" he asks

"yes." i laugh "our first candidate." he says "im froy,calvins assistant."

(looks like this)

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(looks like this)

"nice to meet you froy." i smile "you too." he says looking me up and down just as he does grayson walks in

"um hey?" he says awkwardly "gray hey!" i walk up and hug him

"thank you." i whisper in his ear for saying me from that awkwardness he just laughs

"i bought you breakfast." he says holding up the bag "aw youre so sweet." i mock him giving him a kiss

grayson hangs out for about an hour but has to leave to go film a video then Katie gets a call

"send them up." she says "the girls are here." she smiles "okay." i say I'm excited about meeting them but im more excited for emma to come

"hey." a familiar voice says, please don't be "im laci and this is ari." she smiles,shit "hi im katie,emilys manger and assistant basically." she laughs

"oh emily?" she says looking at me "in the flesh." i sigh that's exactly when emma walks in the room

"hey em i dropped my stuff off at your h-" she stops when she's sees laci "emma,nice to meet you." she smiles

"what are you doing here." emma asks rudeness laced in her voice "im going to figi tomorrow to meet calvin?" she says as if she's dumb

"anyway this is my friend,ari." she smiles

"come on emma,ethan and grayson are gonna drive us." i say grabbing my bag pulling it to the front door

we hop in the car "hey." i smile kissing grayson "to the airport?" he pouts "no we are taking a private jet,ill put it in the gps." i say leaning up

"ill miss you guys." ethan says pouting "we will miss you too." i laugh
we made our way on the jet sitting out stuff down

"emily,emma,nice to see you again." froy smiles "you too." we say taking a seat

he walks away as we sit down i pull out my phone scrolling through Instagram

he walks away as we sit down i pull out my phone scrolling through Instagram

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graysondolan :really gonna miss you. have fun in figi, i love youu @emilymartin
@emilymartin : you better not be texting and driving and i miss and love you more

ethandolan : i miss you already,have a safe trip I love youu @emmachamberlain i guess i love you too @emilymartain @emmachamberlain : i luh you bitch,i ain't never gonna stop lovin' you biiiiiitch @emilymartian : you guess you love me 🤨 thanks I ...

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ethandolan : i miss you already,have a safe trip I love youu @emmachamberlain i guess i love you too @emilymartain
@emmachamberlain : i luh you bitch,i ain't never gonna stop lovin' you biiiiiitch
@emilymartian : you guess you love me 🤨 thanks I GUESS i love you too bitch ass

i laugh at the post and close my phone out i look over at emma to see her already knocked out,of course i laugh to myself

"hey,emily." laci says snapping me out of my thoughts "yeah?" i say rudeness kind of laced in my voice

"can i talk to you?" she asks i nod my hand standing up going somewhere more private

"talk." i say "listen,im sorry i lied,i shouldn't of done that i am truly sorry i know you can't forgive me but all im asking for is a second chance i did what i did out being hurt from rejection,but i swear to you i have changed more then you would think,a second chance?" she asks

i see emma out the door listening to everything
"i am willing to give you a second chance like I've gave many people before but that does not mean i trust you,you have to gain my trust."

emma smiles at my forgiveness because ive gave her a second chance before too "friends?" she asks smiling i think for a minute "friends." i say hugging her
do you guys trust laci? im stuck between making her a lair and backstab her or her telling the truth tell me what you guys think

pls vote,comment,and follow !!

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