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"what?" i say backing up a bit "you go off to figi and kiss some dude!" he says "what the hell are you talking about grayson?" i roll my eyes

"you didn't think i would found out you kissed that fucking prick emily?!" he yells "what prick,i didn't kiss anyone!" i yell back

"everything okay in here?" ethan asks "no,he's accusing me of kissing some dude." i say turning to ethan "froy,you kissed froy." he rolls his eyes

i throw my head back groaning in frustration "where in the hell do you get that idea?" i ask turning to him "im gonna go." ethan says leaving

"laci,she said she seen you two kissing." he says as i laugh a little "and you seriously believe her,Grayson what the fuck!" i yell

"if you continuously believe the lies she tells you,there has to be some sort of feelings there gray." i say not wanting to admit it to myself

"are you still in love with her?" i ask he stays silent looking at the floor "grayson are you still in love with her?!" i yell

"no!i don't know.maybe!" he yells i look down in defeat "i don't need another guy in my life that doesn't know what he wants,I've been hurt like that to many times before." i say

"figure your shit out,Grayson." i say picking my purse up walking out "emily,wait!" he says making me turn around

"i love you,but that froy dude doesn't make me feel secure about our relationship." he says

"grayson,i don't know how many times i have to tell you,i don't love anyone else,but you!" i yell "but i can't say the same for you,you either love me or you love her,there's no in between." i shake my head

"ill come back tomorrow,you decide." i say walking away "and by the way." i turn around "i would never ever cheat on anyone,especially you gray,my family raised me better than that." i say turning around leaving

i go over emmas texting her before hand, "hey bitch." she laughs "hey." i say

"what's wrong with you,you seem so sad." she says standing up "laci told Grayson she saw me kissing froy,we had a full blown argument i ask if he still loved her and i quote 'no!i don't know.maybe!'." i say hugging her letting my tears fall out

"it's okay,he's smart enough to realize that you're the one,em." she smiles "thanks." i sniffle "here." she says sitting me down

she walks to her kitchen pulling out two tubs of ice cream and turning on the notebook as she lends me some sweatpants and crop tops
next day.

i woke up on emmas couch with emma right beside me i look out her coffee table seeing two empty tubs of ice cream and tissues everywhere

i pick up my phone seeing that's its 2:00pm and seeing missed calls and texted messages from grayson

gray : we need to talk.
gray : i went by your house and you're not there??where r u??
gray : emily
gray : baby
gray : are you ignoring me
gray : please answer
gray : you didn't do anything stupid did you
gray : i love you. stay safe

me : i came to emmas and we fell asleep watching the notebook,I'm okay,love you too

"hey em." i say shaking her "yeah." she says waking up "im going to the twins but I'm gonna change first."

"will you drive me there,my cars over there." she says standing up "yeah." i nod I go and get ready along with emma

i had like some of my clothes here,some clothes at the twins house and some at my sisters Alyssa's house

lacis pov
i walk into graysons after ethan let's me in

"hey." i say knocking on the door letting him know i was here "what laci." he says standing up

"i just wanna say im sorry,that you've been cheated on again,you don't deserve it." i say grabbing his hand

he lets out a deep sigh "ive changed grayson i really have and i think we can make this work." i smile
Emma's pov

i walk going to graysons room to tell him emilys here and she went to the bathroom when i heard a very familiar female voice

"I've changed Grayson i really have and i think we can make this work." she smiles "i don't know." he sighs

"one more chance is all im asking,you don't really want to be with emily,im your fist love and that doesn't change." she says

"im in love with emi-" she cuts him off by slamming her lips into his he pushes her off "dude what are you doing!" he whisper yells

"i don't love you!i love emily." he says as she scoffs "you're dumb,dolan." she says picking up her purse

i run back to ethans room before she can see me, i have to tell emily
Emily's pov

i get a text from laci automatically rolling my eyes

laci : can i speak to you, it's urgent
me : i already know the lie you told grayson about me and froy so save it
laci : no this is different please meet me at the park
me : fine.

i wash my hands leaving the bathroom "emily i need to talk to you." emma stops me "can it wait like,twenty minutes?" i ask

"I-" "please." i say "yeah sure." she says sighing "tell gray ill be back." i say walking out the front door

i make my way to my car turning it on going to the park

"hi." she says "what do you want?" i ask placing my hand on my hip "grayson kissed me,i went there to apologize for lying and he said he still loved me." she stands up

"laci..don't lie to me." i say "im not i swear!" she throws her hands up in surrender i give her a look of 'your not fooling anyone bitch'

"i have proof." she pulls her phone showing me a picture of them kissing i look down seeing her outfit the same in the picture

"you're coming with me." i say walking back to the car
i don't event know honestly

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