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i wake to a loud alarm clock going off i look over at the time 5:00am i groan i try to hop up as fast as I can knowing i will go back to sleep if I don't

i walk into my bathroom turning on the light squinting my eyes from the brightness

i put on the outfit i picked out last night which was some grey sweat pants with a one of Graysons black hoodies with my slip on vans

i don't wanna do makeup this early so i decide just to put my face moisturizer on making me look at least decent

i throw on my long brown hair into a messy bun and grab my suitcase for the weekend that has clothes,makeup,and a iPhone charger and get going
"hey." i say walking into the twins house,grayson gave me a extra key since i gave him one

"hey are you ready?" grayson asks "yeah." i smile i look over to the couch to see emma and Ethan half asleep

emma has her hair in a messy bun as well with one of ethans hoodies and a pair of black sweatpants

ethan looks like he just threw on a dolan twins hoodie and sweatpants

"okay the Uber's here,let's go!" he yells to ethan and emma mostly
"we are now boarding first class to New Jersey." they announce

we walk up handing her our ticket walking,we get to our seats putting our suitcases up and taking a seat

we had four seats straight across it was emma,ethan,grayson,then me

after an hour or two on the plane grayson fell asleep ethan instantly pulls out his phone recording him laughing

after he stopped recording i lightly laughed knowing that if i laugh during the video the fans would of flipped out because they would know i was with them
Grayson finally has woken up i seen ethan snap a quick picture of them
im scrolling through Instagram seeing what my fans are posting about

after he stopped recording i lightly laughed knowing that if i laugh during the video the fans would of flipped out because they would know i was with them -Grayson finally has woken up i seen ethan snap a quick picture of them -im scrolling throu...

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Grimlysbae: i think Emily's going to new jersey with the twins and maybe emma too,that's definitely Emily's hair color

grimlyxethma: i think she is w them!!

i turn my phone off leaning back and relaxing getting some sleep
"emily!" i hear i quickly open my eyes seeing Grayson beside me "we are leaving." he says getting our bags down him handing me mine

"im calling a uber." ethan says pulling out his phone walking off the plane me and Grayson both step off

"are you excited?" he asks smiling "yeah,but im kinda nervous like what if your parents hate me?" i say looking up at him

"they aren't going to." he rolls his eyes playfully "and how do you know that?" i ask him smiling "have you met you?youre literally amazing." he says making me blush

he pulls me in by my waist going in for a kiss "what if a fan sees us?" i question him because he was the one that didn't wanna tell the fans

"ah who cares." he smiles pecking my lips a couple of times as my arms are wrapped around the higher part of his chest

i smile grabbing my bag walking towards the uber
"im scared." i say to emma as we are getting are stuff out of the car "me too,imma bout to shit myself,it's nerve racking." she laughs as do I

"come on." ethan says to us both we all walk inside "hi." the twins mother says

she engulfs a hug with the twins "oh my gosh you must be emily." She says hugging me "and you must be emma." she hugs her as well "im lisa." she smiles

"nice to meet you." we both say at the same time "im sean." the twins father says pulling away from a hug to come hug us

"nice to meet you as well." i say emma saying the same thing after

"why don't you say we all get to now each other." sean says walking into the kitchen "can i get you guys some water,tea,soda or anything." Lisa asks

"I'll take some water,thank you." i smile as emma says she would like some to "coming right up." she smiles

"you're parents are so nice." i whisper in graysons ear "they love you." he whispers back smiling
we had played some board games and i think lisa and sean like me, they are so laid back and chill i can't wait to spend the weekend with them

it's now 1:00am im laid up to grayson in his bed he was now asleep, i wasn't tired though, i was truly wide awake

it was pitch dark until graysons phone lit up the room, a little peak won't hurt,right?

i pick up his phone seeing

laci : hey baby.
laci : heard your back in New Jersey?
laci : why haven't you seen me yet?we can have a whole lot of  fun,like before;)

i sit the phone down; stunned, has grayson had a girlfriend this whole time back in new jersey

i get out of graysons arms getting out of the bed,i needed some water

i walk down the wooden steps as quiet as i could, the light was already on i shrug it off walking into the kitchen

i look in the fridge grabbing a bottle of water "boo!" i hear from behind me,i raise up so quick from fear hitting my head on the fridge

"shit." i say "oh my gosh,shit,sorry." i hear from behind me, i turn around to see ethan

i grab my head "no it's cool." i laugh "here sit up here,and let me get you some ice or something." he says patting the counter for me to sit

"thanks." i say jumping up on the counter "here." he hands me some frozen peas to put on the back of my head

"couldn't sleep either?" he asks "no im wide awake." i laugh after moments of silence i finally talk

"hey,can i ask you a question without you telling Grayson?" i ask "yeah of course,you're my best friend." he smiles

"who is laci?" i ask his face instantly dropping

who's laci? i don't know guess you'll have to figure out in chapter 8 ;)
that was really fucking corny

anyway please vote,follow,and comment your inputs about the story,or anything really 🤣

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