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i open the bathroom door seeing grayson sitting on the bed with a nervous look on his face.

his eyes look up to me then look down to the two sticks in my hand,i sit down beside letting out a deep sigh.

"negative,i told you i wasn't pregnant." i say throwing the two sticks in the trash "then why are you puking like that?" he stands up confused.

"i probably have food poisoning,but ill see you later." i say picking up my phone "okay," he says getting his phone out of his pocket.

i walk out his door and out of the house getting into my car heading to my house.

i go inside long enough to get changed into my secative wear for soul cycle and going to emmas.

"hey bitches." i say walking into the apartment that has emma,olivia,and amanda in it.

"about time," olivia groans "sorry,i got..caught up." i sigh sitting down "we gotta go." emma says standing up.

"yeah,get your asses up." amanda says playfully  i laugh at her standing up.
one month later.

"emma!" i yell walking into her apartment "we are upstairs!" she yells back causing me to walk up the stairs into emmas room.

for about a month now i have basically been spending all my time with emma,olivia,and amanda.

i feel like me and grayson aren't as close anymore and we just drifted away a little.

"i need to film a video." emma groans "me too." i groan falling on her bed "i don't have any video ideas as usual." she rolls her eyes.

"I need to film too." olivia and amanda say,we all sit and think of a video idea that we all could film with each other.

"why don't we go on a road trip or something like that?" i say raising an eyebrow,sitting up "yeah!we could all film." amanda says.

"that would be cool,i need a break from la anyway." olivia says scooting closer to us.

"we could go to Malibu or some shit." emma shrugs "I've actually never been there." i say.

"me neither." the all say causing us to laugh "how far away is it from here?" amanda ask,i shrug pulling out my phone looking it up.

"forty minutes." i look back up to them "that's not bad." olivia shrugs "let's do it." emma says getting hype.

"it's settled." i laugh "how long are we gonna stay there?" amanda ask "hm," we all think "i think we should stay for a week,i desperately need a break from la." i say leaning back on emmas wall.

they all nod their heads.

i pull out my phone texting grayson just to tell him.

me : hey,me and the girls are going to Malibu for a week,just in case you wanted to know..

gray : drive safe.
gray : i love you.

me : i love you too.
hiiii, :)

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and check out my other books, i have some other ones coming out that u guys might like ive been working hard on them!!!

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