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we all sat in silence while picking our food out

"so grayson i hear you directed a,music video was it?" my older brother, flynn says "uh,yeah with the help of my twin brother." he says swallowing his food

"cool." my younger brother said eating his food "so you just do YouTube?nothing else?" my dad asks taking a drink of his wine

"uh,yes sir." he smiles awkwardly "you plan on marrying my daughter." he asks dryly "dad!" i say sternly "hank!" my mom says sternly as well

"yes sir." he replies confidently "I'm happy for you em." my sister alyssa says smiling "thanks lys." i smile

"Alyssa,emily help me with the dishes and give the boys some time to talk." my mom says collecting plates "of course mom." i smile

"hope dad doesn't say anything inappropriate." i laugh "please he is going easy on grayson,when he first met Alex he made him take a drug test." she laughs referring to her fiancée alex

"wouldn't put it past him." i roll my eyes putting the dishes in the sink "girls,he just wants the best for you." she says pinching my cheeks

"i know mama." Alyssa smiles "mija,hand me the soap." she says pointing at the dish liquid soap

my mother is half latina and half caucasian while my dad is just caucasian

i hear loud masculine laughs echo from the kitchen i look in to see them all playing around laughing i smile to myself at how much they are getting along

"finish the dishes mija,me and your sister did them all!" she yells to alyssa being that she did absolutely no dishes yet

"fine." she says back iwhear footsteps come up behind me watching the boys with me "grayson,is a really good guy im glad you guys finally saw that you should be together." my mom says so i turn to her

"i love him mom." i smile "i can tell he loves you too." she says smiling,her eyes then fall to my necklace she lets out a small gasp

"did he get you this?" she smiles touching it "yeah,it's like it's a promise ring but it's a necklace." i smile

"oh mija,he really is gonna marry you one day." she laughs "yeah,he wasn't kidding." i smile

"hey guys,we are going to the bowling alley so i can whoop everybody's asses,get ready." my dad yells

"hell yes!" my mom yells ive only heard my mom cuss about five times in my life most of the time cussing out other moms

i let out a laugh,as me and grayson run up the steps "so,you seem to be fitting in perfectly." i smile coming out the bathroom after washing my hands

"yeah,your family is perfect!" he smiles "oh no,i would not say perfect." i roll my eyes

"you're perfect." he says walking to me i wrap my hands around his neck as he places his large hands on my sides

"nah," I smile he places a soft kiss on my lips
this chapter was boring lol.

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