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"hey!" i say walking up to the table at urth caffé "hey!" theo says standing up giving me a hug.

gray : u made it safely?

me : yeah 🥰

gray : ok

"what can i get you two?" a waitress walks up to us smiling at theo "um, can i get a turkey burger please?" theo ask.

"yes, what about you?" she smiles looking over to me "a caesar salad, please." i smile handing her my menu.

"okay, and what to drink?" she ask us "i'll just get a root beer." theo says "an iced coffee." i smile.

"okay," she smiles "can i just say you two make a lovely couple." she says smiling, i could tell she was just saying that to see if we were a couple.

"we aren't dating, we are just friends." i smile "yeah." theo says "oh, um okay." she says smiling walking away.

"she's totally into you." i say looking at him smiling "nah," he says "yes! and she's super pretty, you two would be cute!" i laugh.

he lets out a chuckle, "so, you said you wanted to act?" he ask "yeah, i've always loved acting, and i really wanna do it." i say.

"it is great, we actually have a role open in my show for a girl, i could give you the script and everything." he says.

"oh my gosh, yeah, that would be awesome, thanks!" i smile "of course, you'll have like four weeks till auditions." he says.

( a/n okay, so we are gonna pretend theo is kj apa and acts on riverdale, i probably should have just made him kj, but i didn't think about it :) okay back to the story)

"i'm already nervous." i laugh "my coach is actually here in la, you could practice a little, i can give you his info." he suggest.

"that would be awesome, i don't know how i'm gonna think you." i say smiling "don't worry about it." he says.

the waiter finally comes with our food, "how's the singing going? i remember that's all you would do in high school." i laugh taking a bite of my food.

"i still do it on the side, i'm just focused on acting for right now." he says "that's cool." i say.

after lunch.

"gray?" i say walking into his room "you scared me, i was writing." he laughs "of course you were." i laugh.

"how was lunch?" he ask "it was good, i got theo a date with this waitress." i say smiling "really?" he laughs, i nod.

"i think i'm gonna go for the open role in riverdale." i say "oh my god, that's great!" he says standing up giving me a hug.

"thank you." i laugh hugging him "holy shit, i can't believe that." he says running his hands through his hair.

"me neither." i laugh "i'm so proud of you!" he says picking me up spinning me around showering me with kisses.

i laugh as we fall on his bed, him landing on top of me, he looks down in my eyes then down to my lips.

his muscles showing from holding himself up he bends down kissing me deeply.

he gets up removing his shirt smirking, "where's ethan?" i ask.

"out." he says before bending down and kissing me again.

triple update

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