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i wake up throwing the covers off of me instantly running to the bathroom.

i got up so fast i didn't even realize grayson wasn't in the bed.

i throw up everywhere,it was like i couldn't stop.

"emily?are you okay?" grayson rushes over to me "im fine." i say wiping my mouth "are you sure?" he touches my back.

"yes,gray." i smile a little,a couple of seconds after that i puke again,and again,and again.

"just get cleaned up,ill wait for you outside." grayson smiles looking down at me "thanks gray." i smile standing.

i grab a pair of my leggings i left here,and one of his hoodies getting in the shower for about thirty minutes.

i get out drying my body off putting on my clothes and brushing my teeth.

i open the bathroom seeing grayson sitting on his bed facing the bathroom door looking down to his hands that are on his thighs rubbing his hands back and forth.

"hey," he smiles "do you feel better?" he asks "yeah,im sorry about that.i don't know why that happened,i never get morning sickness." i say sitting beside him.

"yeah,about that." he says looking over for me "are you still on the pill?" he ask looking over at me with worry in his eyes.

"wha-yeah?" i cut myself off "i mean,why would you be puking like that?" he ask "grayson im not pregnant." i laugh standing up.

"you never know,the pill is like only 95% effective." he stands up as well "yeah,because people forget to take them,i didn't forget." i say.

after i say that i stop and think did i take one yesterday "you don't know!" he says referring to my face.

"grayson,im not pregnant,and i took it yesterday before the dinner." i say "a test never hurts." he shrugs looking at me.

"fine,if you really believe im pregnant i guess I'll take a test." i roll my eyes crossing my arms "okay,ill be back." he says grabbing his jacket.

"where are you going?" i ask turning towards him "to get a test?" he says more as a question "what if fans see you?" i ask raising an eyebrow.

"i won't let them see promise." he says kissing my forehead before walking out the room.
twenty minutes later.

"okay,so i got two,just in case." he says handing me a plastic bag "did you run into anyone?" i ask standing up taking the bag.

he shakes his head no,"okay," i sigh "it will be okay,we're in this together." he grabs my hand,i smile lightly.

"i love you." i smile kissing him "i love you too." he smiles kissing back.

i walk into the bathroom peeing on the stick and waiting a minute or two for the test to get done.

and the results came back....
sorry i had to leave you guys on a cliffhanger i haven't done it in a while!!!!

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