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"laci?how do you know about laci?" he questions "she texted grayson calling him baby and asking why he hasn't visited her yet." i say looking down

"look emily,you're my best friend and i love you,and would tell you anything but this,this isn't something for me to tell you,just talk to gray about it?" he places his hand on my thigh

"i understand,thank you." i smile hopping down hugging him walking back up to the room

i am now really tired so i decide to go to sleep
"hey." emma says to me after i get ready "hey." i smile turning around applying my last coat of mascara

"you wanna go explore New Jersey,give the boys time alone with their family." she says walking up to me sitting on graysons bed

"of course,but we don't have a car?" i laugh standing up now in front of her

"the twins have a car here,they said we could use it." she smiles "okay let's go."

we walk outside seeing grayson and ethan already by the car, i felt weird seeing grayson i haven't talked to him all morning all ive said is 'hey'

"are you two leaving?" ethan asks "yep." we reply emma and ethan kiss while grayson is going in for one i turn around "come on emma." i say hopping in passenger side
Graysons POV

i wonder why she dodged my kiss?did i do something wrong?

ethan looked over at me seeing my confusion "she saw laci texting you dude." he scoffs patting my back walking away

my face instantly drops
Emily's POV

we met some random dude on the beech he continuously flirted with me and emma but he did take some pretty cute pics of us so i wasn't mad

we met some random dude on the beech he continuously flirted with me and emma but he did take some pretty cute pics of us so i wasn't mad

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emilymartin : bestie fOr ThE rEsTiE @emmachamberlain

@emmachamberlain : corniest I've seen you but i luv you bitch
@emmaxemily : i live in new jersey and this beach is def here, so that means they are in nj with the twins !!!
@graysondolan : you two look like twins

@ethandolan : ha grayson you're so funny!

i roll my eyes laughing at the comment section "hey,can i get your guys number." the random guy smirks "we gotta go,bye." emma laughs
we walk back in the twins parents house "hey guys, this is cameron our older sister." "hi!" we smile hugging her

"nice to meet you guys." she smiles "you too." we say

we sat around and get to know each other we all actually have a lot in common,i think we are gonna  be really good friends

Cameron and emma wanted to go upstairs so i decided to go to so im not the only one down here

i walk in my room seeing grayson sitting on the bed looking like he was thinking

"hey." he stood up quick looking relieved to see me i give him a quick nod walking to the opposite side of the bed taking my shoes off

"i know you're mad but if you'd let me explain-" he starts before he cuts me off "grayson,just stop." i sigh not wanting to deal with this

"no,i flipped out when you had another guy texting you so now I'm the one that needs to explain,you don't have to talk,just listen." he says taking a seat beside me

"okay." i sigh once again "laci.." he says looking like he was trying to think "she was,she was my best friend." he says stuttering

i could see how much of a touchy subject this was for him "grayson,you don't have to-" i start
"no,i want to." he gives me a reassuring smile

"laci was my best friend,she helped me out with everything girls,school,sports,and she was even there when i figured out my dad had cancer." his eyes starting tearing up a bit but he calmed himself down after that

"i-i fell hopelessly in love with her,my family try to say something was off about our relationship but i wouldn't listen." i sighs

"one night ethan told me he heard her on the phone with another guy,talking about something weird,but as stupid as someone in love could be i wouldn't listen."

"about a month after that she took my virginity,and how told me how 'in love' she was with me and she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me." he rolls his eyes

"we went to school the next day,and i was literally the laughing stock of the school,she had used me all of the years to get closer to ethan,she was in love with my twin brother." he scoffs

"she kept apologizing saying after we started to date she actually fell in love with me and missed me,and said she felt horrible,i forgave her and we started dating again,i was a fool." he laughed

"then i fount her trying to kiss up on ethan,him continuously telling her to get off of him and it wasn't right and to leave him alone,I've never had my heart broken like that before." he looks down at my hand in his

"im so sorry grayson,you're an amazing guy,and you've never deserved to be treated like that,just know im here for you." i smile

i give him a soft kiss on his lips "make it official." he says out of nowhere "what?" i say confused laughing "make it official." he says looking down then back up

"are you high?" i ask looking at him weird "make us official idiot." he rolls his eyes laughing "wait,are you serious?" i smile

"yes,im-" he stops "you're what?" I question "im in love with you em." he smiles

my jaw drops open "what?" i say "i love you." he says leaning in giving me a soft kiss

after a couple of minutes he pulls away i look in his eyes i wrap my arms around his shoulder "i love you too." i smile giving him one more soft kiss
next chapter they are leaving to go back to la      :( but also she's telling her fans they are dating sooo stag tuned

this double update is for you guys thank youuu :)

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