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next day.

i actually put some thought into my outfit this time.

right now we are basically just exploring going on little tourist things.

i guess we were pretty known in paris because there was like paparazzi following us literally everywhere, it was definitely getting annoying.

i let out a annoyed sigh.

"don't let them take away your fun." grayson says noticing my agitated expression, "i know. it's just annoying." i say as a light goes off in my face, a picture.

"hi, can i ask you guys how you feel about this james charles situation?" a guy ask "um," grayson says opening the door of our rented car.

"i don't really have an opinion." he says getting in the car "what about you guys?" he says pointing the camera at me, emma, and ethan.

"i'm gonna stay out of this one man, have a nice day." he says following graysons actions by getting in the car.

"you guys?" he ask desperately "no, i'm sorry sir, have a good rest of your day." i say getting in the car as well as emma.

" i say getting in the car as well as emma

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@tmz : model, and youtube star, emily martin seen in paris, france today along with the dolan twins and emma chamberlain.

@fan : please give them privacy, they put on a trip, emily looks very annoyed about the fact you guys are following them.

i sigh looking at the post, i am beyond grateful for everything single thing i have, but the worst part is being followed around 24/7 and not having any privacy.
next day.

i'm hoping we can all have a good day, and not be followed around by paparazzi all day.

i'm in a good mood, and i don't want that to change.

we all get dressed and head out.

"we want coffee!" me and emma complain to the twins, "can't you guys wait?" ethan ask turning around chuckling a little.

"nope." i pop the 'p' "ugh. fine." they say.

we pull up to the coffee place and get out of the car opening the door to the restaurant.

we walk up to the register and talk to the barista.

"hi, what can i get you?" she says smiling "can i just get an iced coffee." i say "same thing a her." emma says.

she realizes the twins behind us and her eyes widen then go back to normally quickly, she awkwardly coughs.

"c-can i get you guys something?" she ask awkwardly scratching the back of her neck.

"i'll take an iced coffee too." ethan says "ill get a pink drink." grayson says smiling pulling out his card.

she takes the card slowly touching his hand, then looking up making eye contact with him.

"can i get your name?" she ask him "grayson." he says looking down at her, i furrow my eyebrows.

"she boutta steal your man." emma laughs whispering in my ear causing them to look over at us "shut up." i smack her lightly laughing along with her.

"what you say?" ethan says to emma and me as grayson and the barista talks about whatever they are talking about.

emma than whispers in his ear i'm assuming what she told me, he chuckles a little and nods his head looking at me.

i roll my eyes and giggle.

"oh my gosh, tame impala is my favorite band!" i hear the barista say smiling, who the fuck talks about favorite bands with customers?

but it doesn't even matter, because i'm in a good mood and i don't want that to change.

"looks like your in trouble." ethan whispers in my ear, i slap him playfully as i did to emma "i hate you guys." i say laughing.

i walk over and sit down while i was waiting for our drinks as did emma and ethan, grayson was still talking to this girl.

doesn't she have a job to do? and where is everyone at? usually everyone's at starbucks but now this whole place is empty.

we wait another ten minutes, can you guess what grayson is doing? talking to the barista the whole ten minutes.

we get back in the car, i'm surprisingly still in a good mood, i think we are just gonna explore paris more.

once we pull up to our location i see paparazzi.

even though it's highly annoying i'm not gonna let it ruin my day, i'm still gonna put a smile on my face.

@tmz : model, youtube star, emily martin having the time of her with her boyfriend, grayson dolan and best friends ethan dolan and emma chamberlain

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@tmz : model, youtube star, emily martin having the time of her with her boyfriend, grayson dolan and best friends ethan dolan and emma chamberlain.

@fan : awh she looks scute 🥰🥰
@fan2 : she looks happy 🤩
@fan3 : my moms hot 🥵
bruh, my dads gf always tryna catch an attitude with her Grimmlin lookin ass.

^sorry i'm pissed. i'm gonna talk to y'all more at author notes🤭

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